maurosoria / dirsearch

Web path scanner
11.58k stars 2.29k forks source link

Outdated API, although this is not a bug, it is recommended to update it #1321

Open ssrsec opened 10 months ago

ssrsec commented 10 months ago

dirsearch/ DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See from pkg_resources import DistributionNotFound, VersionConflict

saltasatelites commented 9 months ago :


Use of pkg_resources is deprecated in favor of importlib.resources, importlib.metadata and their backports (importlib_resources, importlib_metadata). Some useful APIs are also provided by packaging (e.g. requirements and version parsing). Users should refrain from new usage of pkg_resources and should work to port to importlib-based solutions.

nrathaus commented 2 months ago

An option can be to use what is seen here:

I reached this code from here:

nrathaus commented 2 months ago

If this looks like a worthwhile direction, I can work on it @shelld3v