maurosoria / dirsearch

Web path scanner
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1341 Issue fix - reports folder is created (empty) when you specify output flag #1348

Open ajcriado opened 6 months ago

ajcriado commented 6 months ago


The reports folder is always created where you execute the app even though you specify output flag because controller.setup method is not handling the options["output"] value, so it creates the folder ("reports" name by default, stored in options["output_path"]) leaving it empty.

I just control if options["output"] comes with value as it is done in controller.setup_reports method

Fix #1341


maurosoria commented 6 months ago

Hi Antonio! Thanks for the contribution!

Seems a valid fix @shelld3v, right?

shelld3v commented 6 months ago

This should work, but I'm seeing a very similar check here. image

I'm wondering whether we should move that piece of code (creating report folder for auto-save reports) to setup_reports? I don't even know why I didn't do it from the start, was it because of an unknown issue? 🤔