maurosoria / dirsearch

Web path scanner
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dirsearch don't find extensions #930

Closed LogicBypass closed 3 years ago

LogicBypass commented 3 years ago

Passing "[Tryhackme CC: Pen Testing](" room "final exam" I noticed that "dirsearch" can't find a "secret.txt" file compared to "gobuster" I tried with "-e" flag, also add "txt" to config file but still no results. Tried standard dictionary, also tried the same dictionary for "gobuster" and "dirsearch" but with "dirsearch" still no results

shelld3v commented 3 years ago

Hi @No0ob1e, you didn't use the same wordlist for both scans, what did you expect? Try running dirsearch again with this command and see the result: -u http://target -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -r
shelld3v commented 3 years ago

Hi @No0ob1e, please read the documentation carefully before using dirsearch:

The wordlist you used contains secret, so to find secret.txt, you need the extension txt. As the document part I linked above (please read it), you need the flag -f