mausch / QuartzNetWebConsole

Embeddable Quartz.Net web console
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dnxcore50 Support #28

Closed peder closed 2 years ago

peder commented 8 years ago

I created a new project with ASP.NET 5 RC, and I cannot add QuartzNetWebConsole.Owin as Studio's complaining that it's not compatible with DNXCore v5. Any recommendations for working around this?

mausch commented 8 years ago

Is Quartz.NET compatible with .NET Core? I honestly haven't looked into .NET Core in detail. QuartzNetWebConsole.Owin is a regular old .NET 4.5 assembly. I assume .NET Core is just another target? i.e. could you get the code and simply make it compile against .NET Core?

papyr commented 5 years ago

its not much change, you can do it fairly easily, just update the nuget targets

main issue was the section to create a new job.

mausch commented 2 years ago

Done in