mausimus / ShaderGlass

Overlay for running GPU shaders on top of Windows desktop
GNU General Public License v3.0
898 stars 35 forks source link

Low Text Quality #39

Closed ToastyRetinas closed 1 year ago

ToastyRetinas commented 2 years ago

Hello! Almost everything I try has low quality text under Shaderglass? Is this a bug, a reality of small text on burner screens or fixable in settings.

Love this program, looking forward to bezels and CRT Royale, would love an ascii, monochrome (green beige et cetera) and the ability to stack shaders!

mausimus commented 1 year ago

By default ShaderGlass starts with 3x3 input pixel size; go to Input -> Pixel Size -> x1 to have pixel-to-pixel sharpness.