mautic / docker-mautic

Docker Image for Mautic
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Title: Installation Issue with Mautic 5 using Docker: mQuery Function Error #283

Open andrearuffini opened 2 months ago

andrearuffini commented 2 months ago


I am currently encountering an issue while trying to install Mautic 5 using Docker, and I am looking for some help or suggestions to resolve this.

Issue Description: Everything in the installation process appears to work fine until I try to advance past the initial setup screen. When I click the "next step" button, I encounter a JavaScript error in the browser console that prevents me from proceeding.

Error Details:

install.js?v4fd533b2:6 Uncaught TypeError: mQuery is not a function
    at Object.showWaitMessage (install.js?v4fd533b2:6:13)
    at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (1:415:18)

This error occurs when I attempt to move to the next step of the installation, effectively halting the process.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Set up Mautic 5 installation using Docker.
  2. Proceed to the initial setup screen.
  3. Click the "next step" button.

Attempts to Resolve:

Has anyone else encountered this or a similar issue? Any advice or troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!

jeje-soy-michu commented 2 months ago

Hi there,

I encountered the same issue and found a solution that worked for me. It seems to be related to the lack of initialization of jQuery in Mautic.

You can try the solution provided in this forum post, which involves including jQuery manually in your Mautic installation.

Hope this helps!

Best regards.