mautic / low-no-code

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[Marketing] Plan a campaign to invite Council seat nominations - Content, Design #94

Open RCheesley opened 6 days ago

RCheesley commented 6 days ago

We have an open seat for the Mautic Council which we need to promote and ensure we get a good number of nominations submitted. This campaign could be worked on collaboratively by several people, or by one person.

Use this document to work on the task:

Ask us in #t-marketing on Slack if you need access to Canva.

  1. Draft some content to share on social media
  2. Create some visuals to go with the content (design in Facebook size and then we can use magic resize to create for other networks once approved)
  3. Draft an email to send to the Mautic community news list

Here's the background info that I shared in Slack:

Folks, we have one seat open on the Mautic Council so we're opening up a new nomination and voting process which you'll find here: It starts on Monday, 18th November when nominations will open, so spend some time reading up about the Council and preparing your proposal in the meantime, and feel free to reach out to any of our Council members if you'd like to know more:

You need to be a member of Mautic via the individual membership ($100/mo or pro-rated amount via or the participatory route (history of sustained contribution over at least 3 months) in order to nominate yourself. It's a three-year commitment and you can read more about the Council here:

The phases are as follows: 18th November - 20th December: Nominations open 22nd December - 17th January: Voting 20th January - 31st January: Announcement and onboarding

Looking forward to seeing your nominations!