mautic / mautic-helper-chrome-extension

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It's dead, isn it? #9

Open jlpetracca opened 3 years ago

jlpetracca commented 3 years ago

Is this extension working?

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RCheesley commented 3 years ago

Hi @jlpetracca this extension has not been updated in some time and there have been substantial changes in Chrome since then.

We need someone to step up and update the extension in order for it to become workable again - thus far we have not found anyone with the skills/interest to take that on.

donbowman commented 2 years ago

i tried to fix it using gmail.js library. I think the approach is not going to work anymore.

I did a proof-of-concept add-on that achieves the goal and works. This would be reliable since its a suported method, rather than interacting w/ the html dom.

comments welcome

drimlike commented 2 years ago

@donbowman Thanks for this contribution! How do you install it on Gmail? I'm not sure to understand how to use it. Thanks :) Damien

RCheesley commented 2 years ago

@donbowman thanks for sharing - this has been neglected for a very long time so good to see resumed interest!

donbowman commented 2 years ago

are the basics of what this is.

first, change the hard-coded constants i have in the main.js then run the instructions in the README

npm i
npx @google clasp login

once this is done, you will see a new item in Gmail Insert Tracker.

this is not complete, its a proof of concept for discussion. It does work other than those caveats. has the basic instructions.

mautibot commented 2 years ago

This issue has been mentioned on Mautic Community Forums. There might be relevant details there: