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get available AudioTracks & Subtitles #52

Open naja7host opened 5 years ago

naja7host commented 5 years ago

wich command we can get by them the available audiotracks and & subtitles .

in Player exist a function to set the audioTrack( index ), but i don't find any function to get the available audiotracks, the same for subtitles .

naja7host commented 5 years ago

for audio issue i have resolved it by calling the Player.el.Execute('GetTotalNumOfStreamID', 1) so we get the number of tracks available, but the subtitle is not returned with the command Player.el.Execute('GetTotalNumOfStreamID', 5) even if the movie has subtitle . and when i force to set the subtitle with Player.el.Execute('SetStreamID', 5, 2); is not retunrning the subtitle in the screen.

any help is appreciated .

vip12 commented 3 years ago

Player.el.Execute('GetTotalNumOfStreamID', 5)

subtitle data returns Player.el.Execute('GetTotalNumOfStreamID', 4), but cannot be displayed

vip12 commented 1 year ago

для проблемы со звуком я решил ее, вызвав Player.el.Execute('GetTotalNumOfStreamID', 1), поэтому мы получаем количество доступных дорожек, но субтитры не возвращаются с помощью команды Player.el.Execute('GetTotalNumOfStreamID', 5) даже если у фильма есть субтитры. и когда я заставляю установить субтитры с помощью Player.el.Execute('SetStreamID', 5, 2); не возвращает субтитры на экран.

любая помощь приветствуется.

for audio issue i have resolved it by calling the Player.el.Execute('GetTotalNumOfStreamID', 1) so we get the number of tracks available, but the subtitle is not returned with the command Player.el.Execute('GetTotalNumOfStreamID', 5) even if the movie has subtitle . and when i force to set the subtitle with Player.el.Execute('SetStreamID', 5, 2); is not retunrning the subtitle in the screen.

any help is appreciated .

I figured out how to get them using avplay

var _initSubtitle = function () {
                _AVPlay.startSubtitle({ path: "/dtv/temp/", streamID: 999, sync: 999, callback: function () { } });
var amount = _AVPlay.getTotalNumOfStreamID(4);
_AVPlay.setStreamID(4, idSubtitle)


Player.el.Execute('startSubtitle', { path: "/dtv/temp/", streamID: 999, sync: 999, callback: function () { } })
Player.el.Execute('GetTotalNumOfStreamID', 4)