mautrix / instagram

A Matrix-Instagram DM puppeting bridge
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
144 stars 28 forks source link

Bridge Encryption setup failed #138

Open KywoSkylake opened 10 months ago

KywoSkylake commented 10 months ago


I just wanted to setup the encryption of the bridge but somehow I receive the fallowing error in the log

[2023-09-18 17:33:31,761] [INFO@aiohttp.access] [18/Sep/2023:17:33:31 +0000] "PUT /_matrix/app/v1/transactions/1292 HTTP/1.1" 200 159 "-" "Synapse/1.92.2"
[2023-09-18 17:33:31,895] [WARNING@mau.bridge.e2ee.client] Sync request errored: MUnknown: Internal server error, waiting 10 seconds before continuing
[2023-09-18 17:33:33,020] [] Handling transaction 1293 with 1 EDUs
[2023-09-18 17:33:33,020] [] Finished handling transaction 1293
[2023-09-18 17:33:43,435] [DEBUG@mau.bridge.e2ee] Couldn't find session RG7lH6xFRTdL1yp99mHYmvodKs024suPyFoYSb+XEo8 trying to decrypt $FPCsDnkZd9e6zkm_PqxYGt8r1Kn2GzH8SxWmrevSAE8, waiting 3 seconds...
[2023-09-18 17:33:46,439] [] Couldn't find session RG7lH6xFRTdL1yp99mHYmvodKs024suPyFoYSb+XEo8 trying to decrypt $FPCsDnkZd9e6zkm_PqxYGt8r1Kn2GzH8SxWmrevSAE8, waiting even longer

Does anyone has an idea on how to fix this?

Thank you