maven-nar / nar-maven-plugin

Native ARchive plugin for Maven
Apache License 2.0
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nar_maven.cpptasks.sun missing Studio Compiler definitions. #233

Open JnyJny opened 8 years ago

JnyJny commented 8 years ago

The existing C89 and Forte compiler definitions are somewhat outdated (tongue firmly in cheek). Support for the Solaris Studio Compilers ( cc, CC and the f90 and f95 compilers ) would be a welcome addition.

I realize testing these definitions is problematic and would be glad to do so. Unfortunately I am currently not able to provide the updated definitions due to a corporate injunction against providing source code to open source projects ( I am an Oracle employee ).

ctrueden commented 8 years ago

Wow, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day. This project is driven by community contributions. So unfortunately, if you are unable to contribute for whatever reason, I fear your wish is unlikely to come true. But who knows, maybe someone else in the community will scratch your itch. We can certainly leave this issue open just in case.

JnyJny commented 8 years ago

I totally sympathize and wish it were within my power to contribute the code. My corporate masters however have given me conflicting marching orders "make it work" and "don't contribute any code". Which of course is greatly amusing to everybody but me :)

My best case goal here was to at least document the lack in case some other poor schmuck like me has to make this work on Solaris.

ctrueden commented 8 years ago

You have my sympathies as well. And I'm very sorry that I do not have time to help with this (not too complicated, by the sound of it) project. But this summer is totally crazy for me, and I know nothing about Solaris compilers. I hope someone who does finds this issue.