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Diving into OV7670 Camera Module #23

Open NaomiCreate opened 3 years ago

NaomiCreate commented 3 years ago

The following document demonstrates code implementation of STM32 connection to and OV7670 STM32F4 Discovery Board and OV7660 or OV7670 Working Code

Connecting STM32 and OV7670

OV7670 Arduino Camera Sensor Module Framecapture Tutorial

Arduino-Camera Communication

mavishak commented 3 years ago


After going through the different OV7670 manuals it seems the pins are not configured as open-drain by default, meaning that we should probably use resistors connecting the Microcontorlar and Camera module pins (specifically, 4.7kΩ)

I2C - An explanation of how I2C works and why we might need resistors - under "I2C at the Hardware Level"

STM32F0 WITH OV7670 AND AN ILI9163 (ALL THE PART NAMES!) WITHOUT EXTERNAL MEMORY OF FIFOS! - Description of a connection between STM32F0 and OV7670