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Configuring clock tree #24

Open mavishak opened 3 years ago

mavishak commented 3 years ago


When trying to understand the hardware connections between the STM32F103RB and OV7670 camera module we found out that the camera module needs an external clock frequency of 10 - 40 (MHz). In order to provide the required clock frequency we needed to reconfigure out clock tree path:

This image was taken from The Mighty Ducks (Team #1)


Provided that up until now we have been working with the default HSI clock frequency of 8MHz we came up with a plan that will allow us to keep the clock sources of the different peripherals untouched while providing a frequency of 32MHz to the MCO (Microcontroller clock output).


Changing the Clock Frequency STM32F1 via Registers - Code example :: how to change the clock frequency CMSIS-Core (Cortex-M) - There is a function SystemCoreClockUpdate() we didn't know whether to use or not... this is its source STM32F103 RCC-Use HSE/HSI to configure the clock - MCO GPIO initialization