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configurations.h #33

Open mavishak opened 3 years ago

mavishak commented 3 years ago

As configurations.h contains private information I am adding here the general code:

 * configurations.h
 *      Author: mayan and naomi


#include "stm32f103xb.h"
#include "common.h"

#define WiFi_SIZE 64 // The maximum length of an SSID is 32 bytesm the password can be 63 charcters long.
#define ID_SIZE 25 // the longest ID can be 24 characters (96 bits / 4 bits (for each Hex) -> 24 chars)

extern uint8_t SSID[WiFi_SIZE];
extern uint8_t PWD[WiFi_SIZE];
extern uint8_t DEVICE_ID[ID_SIZE];

#define MMIO16(addr)  (*(volatile uint16_t *)(addr))
#define MMIO32(addr)  (*(volatile uint32_t *)(addr))
#define ID_ADDR  0x1FFFF7E8

struct u_id {
    uint16_t off0;
    uint16_t off2;
    uint32_t off4;
    uint32_t off8;

/* Read ID_ADDR register */
void CONFIGURATIONS_uid_read(struct u_id *id);

/* Set DEVICE_ID*/
void CONFIGURATIONS_set_device_id(void);

BOOL CONFIGURATIONS_set_network(void);

void* configuration_Handler(void);

static uint8_t weather_api[] = "" ; // HOST
static uint8_t weather_api_key[] = "******" ; //AUTH KEY
/*static uint32_t http_port = 80;*/

static uint8_t firebase_host[] = "*******" ;
static uint8_t firebase_auth_key[] = "*******";
static uint32_t https_port = 443;

#endif /* CONFIGURATIONS_H_ */