mavlink / MAVSDK-Java

MAVSDK client for Java.
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MavSDK crashes on MavsdkServer initialization #131

Open IlfiDev opened 1 year ago

IlfiDev commented 1 year ago

Here's the error: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "_ZNSt6__ndk14__fs10filesystem21__temp_directory_pathEPNS_10error_codeE" referenced by "/data/app/~~1nuV_Xwwx0jCemUqnF9G5w==/com.autel.maxlink-SBJ-pqkn17RYnGg-2j_YGA==/lib/arm64/"... This does not happen on older versions. What could be the reason and is there any fixes for that?

JonasVautherin commented 1 year ago

I wonder if it could be related to :thinking:

Maybe ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} should be added after this line?

Is there a way you could try that (i.e. build mavsdk_server from sources with the change above) and let me know if it helps?

IlfiDev commented 1 year ago

Addind ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} and bulidng did fix my problem. Thanks!