mavlink / MAVSDK-Java

MAVSDK client for Java.
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Receive no callback for System.calibration.calibrateAccelerometer(). #157

Closed Ba0Nguyen closed 1 month ago

Ba0Nguyen commented 1 month ago

val currentSystem = System(MainApplication.BACKEND_IP_ADDRESS, port)

currentSystem.calibration.calibrateMagnetometer().subscribe( { Log.i("calibrate", "Process: ${it.statusText} ${it.progress}") }, {e -> Log.d("calibrate", "ERROR: ${e.cause} ${e.message}") })

JonasVautherin commented 1 month ago

Did you try the examples, e.g.

Also, do you receive MAVLink messages at all? E.g. you could try receiving the battery updates or sending an arm command. Just to confirm that MAVLink goes through (maybe something is wrong with the calibration for Ardupilot, I only used it with PX4).

Ba0Nguyen commented 1 month ago

I am working with Ardupilot v4.4.4. I tested the code you sent and receive no response. I did try sending the command twice, the first time I received "Starting Gyro calibration" since it subscribed successfully, the second time I received a response of "Busy" which indicates the calibration is started.

I also received MavLink messages with arm() and Battery updates and other telemetry data.

julianoes commented 1 month ago

Ok, not sure if calibration is compatible with ArduPilot. This likely requires some work.

JonasVautherin commented 1 month ago

@Ba0Nguyen: do you know how the calibration works with Ardupilot? Is it specified somewhere? Would be nice to compare to PX4 and see what is different.

Ba0Nguyen commented 1 month ago MAV_CMD_ACCELCAL_VEHICLE_POS

From the above attached link, I think Ardupilot might send a message to tell the MavSdk what position to put the drone in, or the MavSdk can send a command to Ardupilot what position the drone is currently in. I'm not sure if it is possible to choose which approach to set for Ardupilot.

JonasVautherin commented 1 month ago

Did you find a solution?

Ba0Nguyen commented 1 month ago

I believe for Ardupilot, I have to place the drone in a certain position and send a MavCommmand to the flight controller to tell the flight controller what position the drone is in, to which it might send me back a ProgressData response. It still just a theory, but I am adding a feature to the Java-SDK and Core to support sending the MavCommand message for that specific MavCommand.