mavlink / c_uart_interface_example

Simple MAVLink to UART interface example for *nix systems
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Closed cmelkor closed 6 years ago

cmelkor commented 8 years ago


I was trying to use c_uart, but it fails to pass autopilot component id:1. I check this issue but its solution doesn't help me because I can't do step 3 and this step: "Now screen into pixhawk and press Enter, you will see nsh prompt. Start the mavlink application on Telem 2 port which is /dev/ttyS2" I can't log into nsh prompt.

I plugged my px4 via USB. Sorry for my english, I don't speak english too much. Regards

zeyadtamimi commented 8 years ago

Same issue here, i believe its because the pixhawk is never sending the local position NED message, which is required for the code to progress past initializing the read thread.

MHageH commented 8 years ago

As ZeyadTamimi said, the pixhawk isn't sending the LOCAL_POSITION_NED message. One way to make this happen is to properly configure the pixhawk with qgroundcontrol software. Usually after configuration, it will start streaming the required MAVLink messages

jessweakly commented 7 years ago

I am having a similar issue, but my set up is different. I have two FTDI cables connected to Serial 4/5 and my host machine. Both FTDI cables are connected to ground. I am currently powering pixhawk through the servo bus using an ESC to regulate the power to 5V.

Details of my setup are as follows:

I am connected to the Pixhawk NuttX Shell on the serial 5 Rx and Tx pins. The NuttX Shell is working for me, and I am able to start mavlink on Serial 4, which is /dev/ttyS6 from NuttX. Running mavlink status in the nsh gives

NuttShell (NSH)
nsh> mavlink start -d /dev/ttyS6
INFO  [mavlink] mode: Normal, data rate: 2880 B/s on /dev/ttyS6 @ 57600B
WARN  [mavlink] hardware flow control not supported
nsh> mavlink status

instance #0:
        mavlink chan: #0
        no telem status.
        flow control:   OFF
        tx: 0.208 kB/s
        txerr: 0.000 kB/s
        rx: 0.000 kB/s
        rate mult: 1.000
        accepting commands: YES

I have a second FTDI cable connecting the Tx and Rx pins of serial 4 to my host machine. I am running this example with the command ./mavlink_control -d /dev/ttyUSB1. My NuttX shell is still open on /dev/ttyUSB0, my other FTDI connection to Serial 5. When I run the command, I get

Connected to /dev/ttyUSB1 with 57600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit (8N1)




as my output, but nothing else. I have been able to achieve similar results on Telem2, but I prefer this setup since it seems that I can access both the nsh and the mavlink connection.

My goal is to be able to send custom mavlink commands to the pixhawk from my host computer over a serial connection. I am currently having trouble using qgroundcontrol for configuration, so the above work-around does not seem like it will help me. Is there another way to fix this from the terminal? I am able to modify and upload firmware to the pixhawk over USB without using QGC.

Any help is appreciated, thank you.

MHageH commented 7 years ago

@jmcwil What troubles you are facing with QGroundcontrol? This software is required to configure all the sensors on pixhawk, which will allow it to send the LOCAL_POSITION_NED required by the C interface (actually it will block in an infinite loop until it receives the first position message).

jessweakly commented 7 years ago

@MHageH Thank you for the reply, and for explaining why I need QGroundControl.

I have been having trouble connecting to Pixhawk with QGC. I am able to flash the firmware to the pixhawk, but then after I do that, one of two things happens. 1) The Main LED is blue, and goes from dim to bright as it does while breathing, but then immediately does out once it gets to full brightness, and stays off. Then I get the message "Your Vehicle is not responding. If this continues shutdown QGroundControl, restart the Vehicle letting it boot completely, then start QGroundControl." This has been going on for several days and I have tried shutting down QGC multiple times. 2)The main LED breathes once then flashes before stopping. I am connected for about 1 second and then it says "COMMUNICATION LOST" in the top right corner, and a yellow box pops up with "Vehicle did not respond to request for parameters, retrying.

Both small green LEDS are on after flashing, and the blue IO heartbeat is flashing at 2Hz. Both amber LEDs are off.

As a note, my Pixhawk is connected to my computer via USB, and it is powered only by the USB during the flash process. All that I have connected to the Pixhawk is the safety light, and all other ports are empty.

I was able to start the calibration once a few days ago, but then something must have gone wrong, and later that day QGC started giving this output. I am not sure if it is a Pixhawk issue, a firmware issue, or a QGC issue at this point. Thanks for helping me figure out what is going on!

jessweakly commented 7 years ago

I had a second Pixhawk that is untouched. I decided to try the same process with it. It is able to get to the configuration step, so it must be a problem with my other Pixhawk. The other Pixhawk's IO Amber LED never comes on, and in QGC, its second green loading bar does not show up. These things both happen with the second Pixhawk. Is there a way to fix the first one?

MHageH commented 7 years ago

@jmcwil I'm afraid it might be a hardware fault, since you can do the configuration fine on the new pixhawk. Try to reflash it twice with QGroundControl, it might be also a flashing problem too.

jessweakly commented 7 years ago

@MHageH Unfortunately it does seem like a hardware problem with the IO board. Although I slight variations in LED flashes and QGroundControl output, I am unable to get a stable connection and calibrate the board. It is possible I accidentally fried it during a test (the board still works outside QGroundControl). Thanks for helping me figure this out.

On the working pixhawk, is there a way to use pixhawk to send mavlink messages without fully calibrating? I need to write and test custom mavlink messages, but I currently have no need for an airspeed sensor or a radio, but QGroundControl is requiring me to calibrate them. I just switched to pixhawk from another piece of hardware and I am using it as an intermediate step in my project, so would prefer to run the firmware without purchasing extra sensors for it if possible. I would like to be able to send messages over a serial connection to move individual servos. Could you tell me whether this is possible? Thanks for being patient with my lack of knowledge. l am very new to Pixhawk and QGroundControl. I really appreciate your taking the time to help me!

jessweakly commented 7 years ago

I figured out how to calibrate without the radio or the airspeed sensor. For anyone that needs this information, the trick is to change the QGroundControl parameters for COM_RC_IN_MODE and CBRK_AIRSPD_CHK. Now my only problem is getting Level Horizon calibration to complete. I keep getting the error message "attitude estimator not running- check system boo." If you know what causes that message, please let me know. Thanks!!

MHageH commented 7 years ago

@jmcwil Tweaking the 2 parameters was the correct step needed. As for the level horizon, I don't know what might cause it, check if you can activate the attitude estimator from a NuttX shell manually on serial 4/5 port (You can have a serial connection to serial 4/5 port through a FTDI cable, and QGroundcontrol connection in the same time).

You can also check the output of the logcat (when booting), by keeping the FTDI connection intact, and issuing the "reboot" command. This might be helpful to determine what might be causing that error.

jessweakly commented 7 years ago

@MHageH Thanks for the response and the ideas.

I got it to calibrate!! I did as you said and checked to see if I could turn on the attitude estimator. I thought that I had done this, but apparently I only did it for my old board. I did 'attitude_estimator_q start' in the NuttX Shell, opened up QGroundControl, and the calibration for level works. Thanks for the help!

For some reason, the main LED is still flashing red. The only error that I am getting "PREFLIGHT FAIL: NO BARO SENSOR 0". This output also shows up in the logcat. Is the baro sensor something that I am supposed to attach to Pixhawk? Here is the output of the logcat.

WARN  [px4io] CRCs match
INFO  [dataman] Power on restart, data manager file '/fs/microsd/dataman' size is 103090 bytes
nsh: ms5611: command not found
WARN  [bst] no devices found
INFO  [ver] match: PX4FMU_V2
WARN  [hmc5883] no device on bus 2
read_reg failWARN  [lis3mdl] no device on bus 2
WARN  [hmc5883] no device on bus 1
ERROR [mpu6000] no device on this bus
MPU6000 on SPI bus 1 at 4 (1000 KHz)
L3GD20 on SPI bus 1 at 1 (11000 KHz)
LSM303D on SPI bus 1 at 2 (11000 KHz)
nsh: meas_airspeed: command not found
nsh: ets_airspeed: command not found
nsh: ets_airspeed: command not found
nsh: sf10a: command not found
ERROR [sensors] no barometer found on /dev/baro0 (2)
WARN  [sensors] FATAL: No barometer found: /dev/baro0 (2)
ERROR [sensors] sensor initialization failed
ERROR [sensors] no barometer found on /dev/baro0 (2)
ERROR [sensors] no barometer found on /dev/baro0 (2)
INFO  [px4io] default PWM output device
INFO  [mavlink] mode: Normal, data rate: 1200 B/s on /dev/ttyS1 @ 57600B
INFO  [mavlink] mode: OSD, data rate: 1000 B/s on /dev/ttyS2 @ 57600B
INFO  [ver] match: PX4FMU_V2
px4flow [165:100]
WARN  [px4flow] scanning I2C buses for device..
INFO  [mavlink] mode: Config, data rate: 800000 B/s on /dev/ttyACM0 @ 57600B
INFO  [init] Fixedwing
INFO  [init] Mixer: /etc/mixers/Q.main.mix on /dev/pwm_output0
INFO  [init] Mixer: /etc/mixers/pass.aux.mix on /dev/pwm_output1

NuttShell (NSH)
nsh> WARN  [mavlink] Disabling hardware flow control
WARN  [mavlink] Disabling hardware flow control
WARN  [commander] Not ready to fly: Sensors not set up correctly

Thank you!

MHageH commented 7 years ago

@jmcwil you're welcome. By looking at the logcat, it seems that a lot of modules are disactivated, usually, you don't have to connect anything to the pixhawk except the red switch LED. Which firmware are you flashing, master or stable ? Try to flash the software provided by QGroundcontrol and see if it has the same effect, I don't think that there's hardware faults on this pixhawk too, since it's brand new. Once it's all done, you need to tune some parameters too in QGroundControl to allow offboard control. It's preferred to keep the RC checks, only if you have the RC controller, and assign a switch to offboard control. Check this link, it contains the configuration necessary for this kind of control.

jessweakly commented 7 years ago

@MHageH Thanks for the input. I am flashing my branch of master firmware. I will try flashing the stable firmware directly from QGroundControl and see if that fixes anything. I agree, this seems to be a software issue. Thanks for pointing out the configurations for this!

jessweakly commented 7 years ago

@MHageH Thanks again for your help, it turns out it was a problem with my firmware.

MHageH commented 7 years ago

@jmcwil Glad it worked.

AKremor commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

I appear to be running into the same problem as described in the first post. My setup is as follows:

When going through the tutorial, I am having trouble completing step 1, and step 2.

Problem: Step 1 (Tentatively resolved) When I connect over the USB cable or telemetry link, I find that a large amount of 'gibberish' characters are displayed, and I am unable to get a nsh prompt up. I imagine these 'gibberish' characters could be the MAVLink messages? If I use Mission Planner or MAVProxy, I am able to get to the nsh prompt. I imagine this is sufficient, but given my setup isn't working, I am not sure.

When running cat /dev/ttyACM0, I receive the following.

ABC@XYZ:~/c_uart_interface_example$ cat /dev/ttyACM0

Init APM:Copter V3.4.3 (9a3a0d4e)

Free RAM: 121504
FW Ver: 120

load_all took 3548us
0 0 0 ▒
        QO▒DataFlash_File: buffer size=16384
Press ENTER 3 times to start interactive setup

        Q▒Init Gyro*▒

Ready to FLY ▒
                    ▒EKF2 IMU1 initial yaw alignment complete▒▒▒3
                                                                 ▒EKF2 IMU0 initial yaw alignment complete▒▒▒
                                                                                                                    ▒EKF2 IMU0 tilt alignment complete▒▒▒3

▒EKF2 IMU1 tilt alignment complete7q▒



After rebooting, I am able to enter an APM:Copter prompt, from which I can open a nsh prompt. Unfortunately, it seems step 2 is still problematic.

Problem: Step 2 When I open up the nsh shell, and attempt to run mavlink start -d /dev/ttyACM0, I am presented with a nsh: mavlink: command not found error message. When listing all of the available apps in nsh, mavlink is not there. I am not too sure how to proceed past this problem.

I have the following modules available it seems:

nsh> help
help usage:  help [-v] [<cmd>]

[           dd          hexdump     mkfifo      pwd         umount
?           df          kill        mkrd        rm          unset
cat         echo        losetup     mh          rmdir       usleep
cd          exec        ls          mount       set         xd
cp          exit        mb          mv          sh    
cmp         free        mkdir       mw          sleep
date        help        mkfatfs     ps          test

Builtin Apps:

Thinking it might be a firmware issue, I tried to update via QGroundControl, however it reports the board is already running the latest.

Consequently, when I run the C program, I receive the SYS and COMP ID's correctly, but the program then stalls, waiting for the NED position to be sent I assume? If anyone has any thoughts on this, I would greatly appreciate them.

I would attempt to provide a log file from logcat (as in the style of jmcwill's comments), but I am unsure how to go about this.

Thank you in advance.

AKremor commented 7 years ago

I seem to have resolved the above problem by loading a different firmware via QGroundControl.

Specifically, I have loaded the PX4 Flight Stack Release v1.5.3 from the Firmware tab of QGroundControl. I did not choose the ArduPilot Flight Stack option.

This has made mavlink available from nsh, and resolved the nsh: mavlink: command not found error I was receiving.