mavlink / mavlink

Marshalling / communication library for drones.
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Tagged releases? #2115

Open tsaubergine opened 1 month ago

tsaubergine commented 1 month ago

The last tagged release was on May 29, 2019 (1.0.12).

Could you please tag releases so that downstream package maintainers (such as myself) have a version to use rather than just pulling some random git hash from master?

hamishwillee commented 1 month ago

@julianoes @JonasVautherin Were you planning on adding the workflow to auto-tag releases anytime soon?

@tsaubergine We've been considering having a release every 2 weeks that will include a date stamp. The release wouldn't have any other semantics associated with it - i.e. we won't be tracking any additions to the release or changes. It's mostly a convenience so that we can supply a .deb file for the header - see

tsaubergine commented 1 month ago

Any form of tagged release using semantic versioning would suffice for my needs. It's your choice as to how and how often you want to create those releases.

hamishwillee commented 1 month ago

@tsaubergine There is no intent to provide semantic versioning such as major.minor.patch. We're proposing to create automation to auto-tag the repo every two weeks with a date stamp that can be used as a release tag. At this point that is purely because .deb packaging requires such a release.

This may be extended to:

We don't want to do a semantic release at this time, because that implies certain things about what we're releasing - such as an update the the mavlink release number sent in generated messages. We don't want to iterate that unnecessarily because it's an 8 bit number, we don't need to iterate that because we maintain backwards compatibility.

Will a date stamped release of this kind be sufficient for your use case?