mavlink / mavros

MAVLink to ROS gateway with proxy for Ground Control Station
880 stars 990 forks source link

Comunication problem pixhawk, arducopter, mavros 0.32 #1272

Open elgarbe opened 5 years ago

elgarbe commented 5 years ago

Issue details

I have a pixhawk 1 connected through an ftdi adapter (chines clone) to an odroid xu4 runing ubuntu 16.04 and mavros 0.32 from binary. I've tried with 115200, 921600 and the problem is always the same, I have heartbeat but don't receive several ros topics (/mavros/imu/data, /mavros/battery....) after some time I have CON Lost message. I've tested with a desktop PC too and the same problem. I add some details info

MAVROS version and platform

Mavros: 0.32.0-1xenial-20190709-034638+0000 500 ROS: 1.12.14 Ubuntu: 16.04

Autopilot type and version

[ X] ArduPilot [ ] PX4

Version: 3.5.7

Node logs

~$ roslaunch mavros apm.launch fcu_url:=/dev/ttyUSB0:115200
... logging to /home/elgarbe/.ros/log/700e820c-a648-11e9-ae86-7c67a237b388/roslaunch-notebook-13975.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://notebook:37139/


 * /mavros/

 * /mavros/cmd/use_comp_id_system_control: False
 * /mavros/conn/heartbeat_mav_type: ONBOARD_CONTROLLER
 * /mavros/conn/heartbeat_rate: 1.0
 * /mavros/conn/system_time_rate: 1.0
 * /mavros/conn/timeout: 10.0
 * /mavros/conn/timesync_rate: 10.0
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/field_of_view: 0.0
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/frame_id: lidar
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/id: 0
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/send_tf: False
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/sensor_position/x: 0.0
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/sensor_position/y: 0.0
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/sensor_position/z: -0.1
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_sub/id: 1
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_sub/orientation: PITCH_270
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_sub/subscriber: True
 * /mavros/fake_gps/eph: 2.0
 * /mavros/fake_gps/epv: 2.0
 * /mavros/fake_gps/fix_type: 3
 * /mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/alt: 408.0
 * /mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/lat: 47.3667
 * /mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/lon: 8.55
 * /mavros/fake_gps/gps_rate: 5.0
 * /mavros/fake_gps/mocap_transform: True
 * /mavros/fake_gps/satellites_visible: 5
 * /mavros/fake_gps/tf/child_frame_id: fix
 * /mavros/fake_gps/tf/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/fake_gps/tf/listen: False
 * /mavros/fake_gps/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
 * /mavros/fake_gps/tf/send: False
 * /mavros/fake_gps/use_mocap: True
 * /mavros/fake_gps/use_vision: False
 * /mavros/fcu_protocol: v2.0
 * /mavros/fcu_url: /dev/ttyUSB0:115200
 * /mavros/gcs_url: 
 * /mavros/global_position/child_frame_id: base_link
 * /mavros/global_position/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/global_position/gps_uere: 1.0
 * /mavros/global_position/rot_covariance: 99999.0
 * /mavros/global_position/tf/child_frame_id: base_link
 * /mavros/global_position/tf/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/global_position/tf/global_frame_id: earth
 * /mavros/global_position/tf/send: False
 * /mavros/global_position/use_relative_alt: True
 * /mavros/image/frame_id: px4flow
 * /mavros/imu/angular_velocity_stdev: 0.0003490659 // 0...
 * /mavros/imu/frame_id: base_link
 * /mavros/imu/linear_acceleration_stdev: 0.0003
 * /mavros/imu/magnetic_stdev: 0.0
 * /mavros/imu/orientation_stdev: 1.0
 * /mavros/landing_target/camera/fov_x: 2.0071286398
 * /mavros/landing_target/camera/fov_y: 2.0071286398
 * /mavros/landing_target/image/height: 480
 * /mavros/landing_target/image/width: 640
 * /mavros/landing_target/land_target_type: VISION_FIDUCIAL
 * /mavros/landing_target/listen_lt: False
 * /mavros/landing_target/mav_frame: LOCAL_NED
 * /mavros/landing_target/target_size/x: 0.3
 * /mavros/landing_target/target_size/y: 0.3
 * /mavros/landing_target/tf/child_frame_id: camera_center
 * /mavros/landing_target/tf/frame_id: landing_target
 * /mavros/landing_target/tf/listen: False
 * /mavros/landing_target/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
 * /mavros/landing_target/tf/send: True
 * /mavros/local_position/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/local_position/tf/child_frame_id: base_link
 * /mavros/local_position/tf/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/local_position/tf/send: False
 * /mavros/local_position/tf/send_fcu: False
 * /mavros/mission/pull_after_gcs: True
 * /mavros/mocap/use_pose: True
 * /mavros/mocap/use_tf: False
 * /mavros/odometry/estimator_type: 3
 * /mavros/odometry/frame_tf/desired_frame: ned
 * /mavros/plugin_blacklist: ['actuator_contro...
 * /mavros/plugin_whitelist: []
 * /mavros/px4flow/frame_id: px4flow
 * /mavros/px4flow/ranger_fov: 0.118682
 * /mavros/px4flow/ranger_max_range: 5.0
 * /mavros/px4flow/ranger_min_range: 0.3
 * /mavros/safety_area/p1/x: 1.0
 * /mavros/safety_area/p1/y: 1.0
 * /mavros/safety_area/p1/z: 1.0
 * /mavros/safety_area/p2/x: -1.0
 * /mavros/safety_area/p2/y: -1.0
 * /mavros/safety_area/p2/z: -1.0
 * /mavros/setpoint_accel/send_force: False
 * /mavros/setpoint_attitude/reverse_thrust: False
 * /mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/child_frame_id: target_attitude
 * /mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/listen: False
 * /mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/rate_limit: 50.0
 * /mavros/setpoint_attitude/use_quaternion: False
 * /mavros/setpoint_position/mav_frame: LOCAL_NED
 * /mavros/setpoint_position/tf/child_frame_id: target_position
 * /mavros/setpoint_position/tf/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/setpoint_position/tf/listen: False
 * /mavros/setpoint_position/tf/rate_limit: 50.0
 * /mavros/setpoint_raw/thrust_scaling: 1.0
 * /mavros/setpoint_velocity/mav_frame: LOCAL_NED
 * /mavros/startup_px4_usb_quirk: False
 * /mavros/sys/disable_diag: False
 * /mavros/sys/min_voltage: 10.0
 * /mavros/target_component_id: 1
 * /mavros/target_system_id: 1
 * /mavros/tdr_radio/low_rssi: 40
 * /mavros/time/time_ref_source: fcu
 * /mavros/time/timesync_avg_alpha: 0.6
 * /mavros/time/timesync_mode: MAVLINK
 * /mavros/vibration/frame_id: base_link
 * /mavros/vision_pose/tf/child_frame_id: vision_estimate
 * /mavros/vision_pose/tf/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/vision_pose/tf/listen: False
 * /mavros/vision_pose/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
 * /mavros/vision_speed/listen_twist: True
 * /mavros/vision_speed/twist_cov: True
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/child_frame_id: base_link
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/count: 2
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/send_raw: True
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/send_twist: False
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/tf/child_frame_id: base_link
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/tf/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/tf/send: True
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/use_rpm: False
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/vel_error: 0.1
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/wheel0/radius: 0.05
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/wheel0/x: 0.0
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/wheel0/y: -0.15
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/wheel1/radius: 0.05
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/wheel1/x: 0.0
 * /mavros/wheel_odometry/wheel1/y: 0.15
 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.14

    mavros (mavros/mavros_node)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [13985]

setting /run_id to 700e820c-a648-11e9-ae86-7c67a237b388
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [13998]
started core service [/rosout]
process[mavros-2]: started with pid [14016]
[ INFO] [1563116566.747383194]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyUSB0:115200
[ INFO] [1563116566.748606709]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyUSB0 @ 115200 bps
[ INFO] [1563116566.749448773]: GCS bridge disabled
[ INFO] [1563116566.757330961]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.758950581]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.758984107]: Plugin actuator_control blacklisted
[ INFO] [1563116566.761948711]: Plugin adsb loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.766391458]: Plugin adsb initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.766418586]: Plugin altitude blacklisted
[ INFO] [1563116566.766502125]: Plugin cam_imu_sync loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.767070381]: Plugin cam_imu_sync initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.767163637]: Plugin command loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.771972508]: Plugin command initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.772067588]: Plugin companion_process_status loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.774516689]: Plugin companion_process_status initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.774545837]: Plugin debug_value blacklisted
[ INFO] [1563116566.774635320]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.787285370]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.787404475]: Plugin fake_gps loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.801256187]: Plugin fake_gps initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.801286443]: Plugin ftp blacklisted
[ INFO] [1563116566.801388011]: Plugin global_position loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.820552608]: Plugin global_position initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.820656765]: Plugin gps_rtk loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.822954324]: Plugin gps_rtk initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.822977337]: Plugin hil blacklisted
[ INFO] [1563116566.823080436]: Plugin home_position loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.826643859]: Plugin home_position initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.826761161]: Plugin imu loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.833851012]: Plugin imu initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.833950907]: Plugin landing_target loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.852974198]: Plugin landing_target initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.853089439]: Plugin local_position loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.859613765]: Plugin local_position initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.859723242]: Plugin log_transfer loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.862298604]: Plugin log_transfer initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.862409236]: Plugin manual_control loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.865184401]: Plugin manual_control initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.865277217]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.869007429]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.869112281]: Plugin mount_control loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.872340447]: Plugin mount_control initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.872475516]: Plugin obstacle_distance loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.878672593]: Plugin obstacle_distance initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.878770652]: Plugin odom loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.883795149]: Plugin odom initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.883911326]: Plugin param loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.886475861]: Plugin param initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.886507346]: Plugin px4flow blacklisted
[ INFO] [1563116566.886593264]: Plugin rangefinder loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.887145597]: Plugin rangefinder initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.887233857]: Plugin rc_io loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.890628792]: Plugin rc_io initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.890660233]: Plugin safety_area blacklisted
[ INFO] [1563116566.890759384]: Plugin setpoint_accel loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.893880191]: Plugin setpoint_accel initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.894012293]: Plugin setpoint_attitude loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.903156831]: Plugin setpoint_attitude initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.903294978]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.920268034]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.920414351]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.928923976]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.929063850]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.934696623]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.934891255]: Plugin sys_status loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.947999339]: Plugin sys_status initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.948116587]: Plugin sys_time loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.953617040]: TM: Timesync mode: MAVLINK
[ INFO] [1563116566.954881633]: Plugin sys_time initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.955009008]: Plugin trajectory loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.960096201]: Plugin trajectory initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.960257851]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.960989537]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.961021400]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
[ INFO] [1563116566.961100974]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.970387682]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.970433578]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate blacklisted
[ INFO] [1563116566.970540840]: Plugin waypoint loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.976511982]: Plugin waypoint initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.976545555]: Plugin wheel_odometry blacklisted
[ INFO] [1563116566.976647348]: Plugin wind_estimation loaded
[ INFO] [1563116566.977256459]: Plugin wind_estimation initialized
[ INFO] [1563116566.977292889]: Built-in SIMD instructions: SSE, SSE2
[ INFO] [1563116566.977313129]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2019.7.7
[ INFO] [1563116566.977333588]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega ASLUAV autoquad icarous matrixpilot paparazzi slugs standard uAvionix ualberta
[ INFO] [1563116566.977352118]: MAVROS started. MY ID 1.240, TARGET ID 1.1
[ INFO] [1563116567.677086638]: CON: Got HEARTBEAT, connected. FCU: ArduPilot
[ WARN] [1563116567.965515560]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.25 ms.
[ INFO] [1563116568.696219749]: VER: 1.1: Capabilities         0x0000000000001bcf
[ INFO] [1563116568.696531146]: VER: 1.1: Flight software:     030507ff (b11c6af3b535f9741bcae90b)
[ INFO] [1563116568.696636029]: VER: 1.1: Middleware software: 00000000 (b535f9741bcae90b)
[ INFO] [1563116568.696727098]: VER: 1.1: OS software:         00000000 (1bcae90b)
[ INFO] [1563116568.696811694]: VER: 1.1: Board hardware:      00000000
[ INFO] [1563116568.696904537]: VER: 1.1: VID/PID:             0000:0000
[ INFO] [1563116568.696988983]: VER: 1.1: UID:                 0000000000000000
[ WARN] [1563116568.697194874]: CMD: Unexpected command 520, result 0
[ WARN] [1563116569.165543007]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.02 ms.
[ INFO] [1563116577.677998497]: HP: requesting home position
[ INFO] [1563116577.687717641]: FCU: APM:Copter V3.5.7 (b11c6af3)
[ INFO] [1563116577.692745184]: FCU: PX4: b535f974 NuttX: 1bcae90b
[ INFO] [1563116577.697641884]: FCU: Frame: HEXA
[ INFO] [1563116577.703590834]: FCU: PX4v2 00540035 3436510A 32393637
[ERROR] [1563116581.680057338]: FCU: PreArm: Check mag field
[ERROR] [1563116581.685097357]: FCU: PreArm: GPS speed error 1.4 (needs 1.0)
[ERROR] [1563116581.689978625]: FCU: PreArm: Throttle below Failsafe
[ INFO] [1563116582.694288838]: WP: item #0  F:0 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: 0.000000 y: 0.000000 z: 0.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.704142458]: WP: item #1  F:0 C:178 p: 1.000000 2.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 x: 0.000000 y: 0.000000 z: 0.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.714091591]: WP: item #2  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507919 y: -60.063168 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.724007213]: WP: item #3  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.508533 y: -60.062431 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.734000353]: WP: item #4  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.508427 y: -60.062332 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.755812480]: WP: item #5  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507816 y: -60.063061 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.768923386]: WP: item #6  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507713 y: -60.062958 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.778769422]: WP: item #7  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.508327 y: -60.062222 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.788671092]: WP: item #8  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.508224 y: -60.062111 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.798597048]: WP: item #9  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507614 y: -60.062847 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.808583727]: WP: item #10  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507511 y: -60.062740 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.818571604]: WP: item #11  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.508125 y: -60.062004 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.828404104]: WP: item #12  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.508022 y: -60.061893 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.838357326]: WP: item #13  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507408 y: -60.062630 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.857241390]: WP: item #14  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507309 y: -60.062531 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.869258877]: WP: item #15  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507923 y: -60.061794 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.879212714]: WP: item #16  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507820 y: -60.061684 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.889254879]: WP: item #17  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507526 y: -60.062035 z: 60.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.899085799]: WP: item #18  F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.508018 y: -60.062504 z: 20.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.909035257]: WP: item #19  F:0 C:178 p: 1.000000 5.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 x: 0.000000 y: 0.000000 z: 0.000000
[ INFO] [1563116582.909296615]: WP: mission received
[ WARN] [1563116586.265678516]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.64 ms.
[ INFO] [1563116587.677721796]: HP: requesting home position
[ INFO] [1563116594.441227081]: PR: parameters list received
[ INFO] [1563116597.677973234]: HP: requesting home position
[ WARN] [1563116601.966180417]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.58 ms.
[ WARN] [1563116602.565736349]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.75 ms.
[ WARN] [1563116605.165894138]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.46 ms.
[ INFO] [1563116607.678021967]: HP: requesting home position
[ERROR] [1563116611.679002177]: FCU: PreArm: Check mag field
[ERROR] [1563116611.684958191]: FCU: PreArm: GPS HDOP 2.5 (needs 2.5)
[ERROR] [1563116611.689934984]: FCU: PreArm: Throttle below Failsafe
[ WARN] [1563116612.265622075]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.03 ms.
[ WARN] [1563116615.166024880]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.69 ms.
[ INFO] [1563116617.678037431]: HP: requesting home position
[ WARN] [1563116618.966355104]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.93 ms.
[ WARN] [1563116619.866362886]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 11.25 ms.
[ WARN] [1563116620.466825057]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.67 ms.
[ WARN] [1563116621.066465026]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 11.04 ms.
[ WARN] [1563116622.666375936]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.73 ms.
[ INFO] [1563116627.677994315]: HP: requesting home position
[ WARN] [1563116628.666498186]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.60 ms.
[ WARN] [1563116630.366991378]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 11.31 ms.
[ INFO] [1563116637.677691473]: HP: requesting home position
[ERROR] [1563116641.682340573]: FCU: PreArm: Check mag field
[ERROR] [1563116641.687318093]: FCU: PreArm: GPS speed error 1.5 (needs 1.0)
[ERROR] [1563116641.692311988]: FCU: PreArm: Throttle below Failsafe
[ INFO] [1563116647.678309305]: HP: requesting home position
[ INFO] [1563116657.677626068]: HP: requesting home position
[ WARN] [1563116657.967018534]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 11.19 ms.
[ WARN] [1563116660.466798270]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.65 ms.
[ WARN] [1563116661.466134395]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.57 ms.
[ INFO] [1563116667.677998027]: HP: requesting home position
[ERROR] [1563116671.681170908]: FCU: PreArm: Check mag field
[ERROR] [1563116671.686147449]: FCU: PreArm: GPS speed error 1.6 (needs 1.0)
[ERROR] [1563116671.691010476]: FCU: PreArm: Throttle below Failsafe
[ INFO] [1563116677.678081249]: HP: requesting home position
[ WARN] [1563116679.466774616]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.77 ms.
[ WARN] [1563116680.166074331]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.11 ms.
[ INFO] [1563116687.677616525]: HP: requesting home position
[ INFO] [1563116697.677685558]: HP: requesting home position
[ WARN] [1563116699.965698867]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.56 ms.
[ERROR] [1563116701.680846730]: FCU: PreArm: Check mag field
[ERROR] [1563116701.685787655]: FCU: PreArm: GPS speed error 2.7 (needs 1.0)
[ERROR] [1563116701.690771590]: FCU: PreArm: Throttle below Failsafe
[ WARN] [1563116702.366064401]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 11.00 ms.
[ WARN] [1563116703.566169698]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.31 ms.
[ WARN] [1563116705.265610675]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.51 ms.
[ WARN] [1563116705.866103866]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.17 ms.
[ WARN] [1563116706.965973919]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.45 ms.
[ INFO] [1563116707.678205344]: HP: requesting home position
[ WARN] [1563116711.065836977]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.29 ms.
[ INFO] [1563116717.677879123]: HP: requesting home position
[ WARN] [1563116725.465892865]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.30 ms.
[ INFO] [1563116727.678239573]: HP: requesting home position
[ERROR] [1563116731.680691878]: FCU: PreArm: Check mag field
[ERROR] [1563116731.685712010]: FCU: PreArm: GPS speed error 1.2 (needs 1.0)
[ERROR] [1563116731.690631494]: FCU: PreArm: Throttle below Failsafe
[ INFO] [1563116737.677984694]: HP: requesting home position
[ INFO] [1563116747.678118225]: HP: requesting home position
[ INFO] [1563116757.677622657]: HP: requesting home position
[ERROR] [1563116761.679799841]: FCU: PreArm: Check mag field
[ERROR] [1563116761.685658401]: FCU: PreArm: GPS speed error 1.2 (needs 1.0)
[ERROR] [1563116761.690734229]: FCU: PreArm: Throttle below Failsafe
[ INFO] [1563116767.677717563]: HP: requesting home position
[ WARN] [1563116774.465827042]: TM : RTT too high for timesync: 10.00 ms.


place here result of:
rostopic echo -n1 /diagnostics

  seq: 31
    secs: 1563116599
    nsecs: 478408252
  frame_id: ''
    level: 0
    name: "mavros: FCU connection"
    message: "connected"
    hardware_id: "/dev/ttyUSB0:115200"
        key: "Received packets:"
        value: "1162"
        key: "Dropped packets:"
        value: "0"
        key: "Buffer overruns:"
        value: "0"
        key: "Parse errors:"
        value: "0"
        key: "Rx sequence number:"
        value: "155"
        key: "Tx sequence number:"
        value: "160"
        key: "Rx total bytes:"
        value: "35295"
        key: "Tx total bytes:"
        value: "10916"
        key: "Rx speed:"
        value: "377.000000"
        key: "Tx speed:"
        value: "460.000000"
    level: 2
    name: "mavros: GPS"
    message: "No satellites"
    hardware_id: "/dev/ttyUSB0:115200"
        key: "Satellites visible"
        value: "0"
        key: "Fix type"
        value: "0"
        key: "EPH (m)"
        value: "Unknown"
        key: "EPV (m)"
        value: "Unknown"
    level: 0
    name: "mavros: Heartbeat"
    message: "Normal"
    hardware_id: "/dev/ttyUSB0:115200"
        key: "Heartbeats since startup"
        value: "32"
        key: "Frequency (Hz)"
        value: "0.999966"
        key: "Vehicle type"
        value: "Hexarotor"
        key: "Autopilot type"
        value: "ArduPilot"
        key: "Mode"
        value: "RTL"
        key: "System status"
        value: "Standby"
    level: 0
    name: "mavros: System"
    message: "Normal"
    hardware_id: "/dev/ttyUSB0:115200"
        key: "Sensor present"
        value: "0x00000000"
        key: "Sensor enabled"
        value: "0x00000000"
        key: "Sensor health"
        value: "0x00000000"
        key: "CPU Load (%)"
        value: "0.0"
        key: "Drop rate (%)"
        value: "0.0"
        key: "Errors comm"
        value: "0"
        key: "Errors count #1"
        value: "0"
        key: "Errors count #2"
        value: "0"
        key: "Errors count #3"
        value: "0"
        key: "Errors count #4"
        value: "0"
    level: 2
    name: "mavros: Battery"
    message: "No data"
    hardware_id: "/dev/ttyUSB0:115200"
        key: "Voltage"
        value: "-1.00"
        key: "Current"
        value: "0.0"
        key: "Remaining"
        value: "0.0"
    level: 0
    name: "mavros: Time Sync"
    message: "Normal"
    hardware_id: "/dev/ttyUSB0:115200"
        key: "Timesyncs since startup"
        value: "321"
        key: "Frequency (Hz)"
        value: "9.999651"
        key: "Last RTT (ms)"
        value: "10.944381"
        key: "Mean RTT (ms)"
        value: "9.898783"
        key: "Last remote time (s)"
        value: "1453.380354000"
        key: "Estimated time offset (s)"
        value: "1563115146.080657244"

Check ID

OK. I got messages from 1:1.

Received 166 messages, from 1 addresses
sys:comp   list of messages
  1:1     0, 77, 111


header: seq: 112 stamp: secs: 1563116678 nsecs: 677276851 frame_id: '' connected: True armed: False guided: True mode: "RTL" system_status: 3


elgarbe commented 5 years ago

I've disabled timesync_rate and now I get this on mavros_node:

[ INFO] [1563116991.303955198]: MAVROS started. MY ID 1.240, TARGET ID 1.1 [ INFO] [1563116991.675892743]: CON: Got HEARTBEAT, connected. FCU: ArduPilot [ INFO] [1563116992.694977679]: VER: 1.1: Capabilities 0x0000000000001bcf [ INFO] [1563116992.695099206]: VER: 1.1: Flight software: 030507ff (b11c6af3b535f9741bcae90b) [ INFO] [1563116992.695188703]: VER: 1.1: Middleware software: 00000000 (b535f9741bcae90b) [ INFO] [1563116992.695287656]: VER: 1.1: OS software: 00000000 (1bcae90b) [ INFO] [1563116992.695377927]: VER: 1.1: Board hardware: 00000000 [ INFO] [1563116992.695455686]: VER: 1.1: VID/PID: 0000:0000 [ INFO] [1563116992.695534395]: VER: 1.1: UID: 0000000000000000 [ WARN] [1563116992.695883199]: CMD: Unexpected command 520, result 0 [ INFO] [1563117001.676468153]: HP: requesting home position [ERROR] [1563117001.678061981]: FCU: PreArm: Check mag field [ERROR] [1563117001.682867300]: FCU: PreArm: GPS speed error 1.8 (needs 1.0) [ERROR] [1563117001.687861799]: FCU: PreArm: Throttle below Failsafe [ INFO] [1563117001.695083118]: FCU: APM:Copter V3.5.7 (b11c6af3) [ INFO] [1563117001.699828328]: FCU: PX4: b535f974 NuttX: 1bcae90b [ INFO] [1563117001.704751007]: FCU: Frame: HEXA [ INFO] [1563117001.710773202]: FCU: PX4v2 00540035 3436510A 32393637 [ INFO] [1563117006.703650981]: WP: item #0 F:0 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: 0.000000 y: 0.000000 z: 0.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.712472503]: WP: item #1 F:0 C:178 p: 1.000000 2.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 x: 0.000000 y: 0.000000 z: 0.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.722397902]: WP: item #2 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507919 y: -60.063168 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.733367488]: WP: item #3 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.508533 y: -60.062431 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.743375769]: WP: item #4 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.508427 y: -60.062332 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.753318749]: WP: item #5 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507816 y: -60.063061 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.764309769]: WP: item #6 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507713 y: -60.062958 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.776193945]: WP: item #7 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.508327 y: -60.062222 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.795023919]: WP: item #8 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.508224 y: -60.062111 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.805968430]: WP: item #9 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507614 y: -60.062847 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.815931857]: WP: item #10 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507511 y: -60.062740 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.825940823]: WP: item #11 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.508125 y: -60.062004 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.835853496]: WP: item #12 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.508022 y: -60.061893 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.845757790]: WP: item #13 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507408 y: -60.062630 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.856794825]: WP: item #14 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507309 y: -60.062531 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.867644987]: WP: item #15 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507923 y: -60.061794 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.877608838]: WP: item #16 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507820 y: -60.061684 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.895579146]: WP: item #17 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.507526 y: -60.062035 z: 60.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.905479274]: WP: item #18 F:3 C: 16 p: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x: -33.508018 y: -60.062504 z: 20.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.915454068]: WP: item #19 F:0 C:178 p: 1.000000 5.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 x: 0.000000 y: 0.000000 z: 0.000000 [ INFO] [1563117006.915680353]: WP: mission received [ INFO] [1563117011.676762071]: HP: requesting home position [ INFO] [1563117018.284208018]: PR: parameters list received [ INFO] [1563117021.676955221]: HP: requesting home position [ INFO] [1563117031.676612257]: HP: requesting home position [ERROR] [1563117031.678624269]: FCU: PreArm: Check mag field [ERROR] [1563117031.684627384]: FCU: PreArm: GPS speed error 1.8 (needs 1.0) [ERROR] [1563117031.689554496]: FCU: PreArm: Throttle below Failsafe [ WARN] [1563117037.678868657]: FCU: Flight mode change failed [ INFO] [1563117041.676345485]: HP: requesting home position [ INFO] [1563117051.677084537]: HP: requesting home position [ INFO] [1563117061.676795446]: HP: requesting home position [ERROR] [1563117061.680308349]: FCU: PreArm: Check mag field [ INFO] [1563117071.676977080]: HP: requesting home position [ INFO] [1563117081.676975490]: HP: requesting home position [ INFO] [1563117091.676403993]: HP: requesting home position [ERROR] [1563117091.677067297]: FCU: PreArm: Check mag field [ INFO] [1563117101.676745227]: HP: requesting home position [ INFO] [1563117111.676954279]: HP: requesting home position [ERROR] [1563117121.676602998]: FCU: PreArm: Check mag field [ INFO] [1563117121.676858938]: HP: requesting home position

and the diagnostic:

` ~$ rtopic echo -n1 /diagnostics header: seq: 153 stamp: secs: 1563117178 nsecs: 305037734 frame_id: '' status:

I don't receive any data on /mavros/imu/data /mavros/battery, etc...

khancyr commented 5 years ago


Try to activate the stream with rosservice call /mavros/set_stream_rate 0 10 1

elgarbe commented 5 years ago


Try to activate the stream with rosservice call /mavros/set_stream_rate 0 10 1

WTF!!! That solve my problem!! Do I miss something in the installation/configuration steps? why do I need to run that command? anyway, thank for the help!