mavlink / mavros

MAVLink to ROS gateway with proxy for Ground Control Station
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Joystick teleoperation #133

Open TSC21 opened 10 years ago

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

In bound. Will need some help in the RC override part.

vooon commented 10 years ago

I think better not a plugin, but script node that use rc_io plugin.

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

Will that include setpoint stuff?

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

I'm not very used to the scripts as you saw, I would really prefer a plugin. But I can send you this as a plugin and then you can convert it to a script if you want.

vooon commented 10 years ago

Just i don't want duplicate code that already exists (and works).

I my mind this node should subscribe to joystick topic and produce rc override messages (or setpoint). Send me please what data i should send to rc/setpoint and i write script (channel map etc).

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

Ok I would do that right away

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

@vooon sent you the e-mail now ;)

vooon commented 10 years ago

Ok, i'll see it tomorrow.

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

Sure :+1: Thanks!

tonybaltovski commented 10 years ago

I could add a similar node that I have for this if it is needed. @TSC21

vooon commented 10 years ago

@tonybaltovski please send it to me. I think it useful example, but perhaps it must be in extras.

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

@tonybaltovski I already started a plugin, which I sent to @vooon so it can adapt the way he wants. It was almost ready for setpoint control, but RC override part I left it to @vooon.

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

What's the status on this? I would really like to get an hand on this so to test setpoints also :)

vooon commented 10 years ago

Maybe tomorrow...

vooon commented 10 years ago

@TSC21 It's just proof of concept, but it should work.

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

I will try it, thanks! :) But my priority is to test the setpoints using the joystick. If you please can add the possibility of position and velocity control I would be grateful.

For velocity, send cmd_vel as TwistStamped to be subscribed by setpoint_velocity;

The position control is simple: instead of cmd_vel it sends position as PoseStamped but this has to be a particular case - it has to do sum the previous position value sent so it can increment or decrement the position (so the values of x,y,z are not limited to -1..1; what's limited is the value that is added to last value; so if the joystick is always sending +1, in each iteration it sums +1 -> the only doubt I have here is if we have to limit the rate in this case, so the iterations don't some up values to fast). This one is subscribed by setpoint_position.

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

Update: regarding the /joy topic: I'm not able to retrieve any data from my joystick using the mavteleop script. But using the universal_teleop launch I can. So there must be something missing on the script.

vooon commented 10 years ago

You run the joy_node?

rosrun joy joy_node

2014-08-27 18:17 GMT+04:00 TSC21

Update: regarding the /joy topic: I'm not able to retrieve any data from my joystick using the mavteleop script. But using the universal_teleop launch I can. So there must be something missing on the script.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

No! Yeah it works now. Forgot the joy_node. Can't that be included on the script to be launched?

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

Ok now regarding the override itself: echoing /mavros/rc/override wasn't getting any data cause you forgot the prefix / here:

override_pub = rospy.Publisher(args.mavros_ns + "/rc/override", OverrideRCIn, queue_size=10)

Need to correct that or I make a PR. But still there's no RC overriding on the FCU, since the motors don't even change the speed. Will continue to check what's happening.

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

@vooon RC override it's not working. The script is publishing to /rc/override, which is being subscribed by rc_io.cpp. Echoing /mavros/rc/override gives me channel values changing but nothing happens on the FCU side (no motor spinning changes).

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

My priority isn't the RC override, even though I would like to set it up. But I can't seem to find what's the problem. In the mean time, can you get the setpoint velocity and position control implemented please? (based on the above comment I did regarding the specs of this kind of control) Thanks!

tonybaltovski commented 10 years ago

I have the same issue with the RC override. The FCU does not use it.

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

@tonybaltovski can you try to debug the reason? I'm occupied with some other stuff regarding POSCTL.

vooon commented 10 years ago

When i test overrides with APM i found, that it silently drops if override message comes from system_id != SYSID_MYGCS (default: 255).

So i change it to 1 (mavros defaults) and it works. Or we could change mavros system_id.

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

So what is wrong? system_id or comp_id? What it's needed in case of PX4?

vooon commented 10 years ago

Perhaps PX4 don't handle RC override messages, i can't find handler for MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RC_CHANNELS_OVERRIDE message.

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

Perhaps PX4 don't handle RC override messages, i can't find handler for MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RC_CHANNELS_OVERRIDE message.

Yes it seems not. Well too bad, I think we can ask implementation, but I would prefer to get setpoints working. Can you give a hand @vooon please? Thanks in advance!

tonybaltovski commented 10 years ago

@vooon I will give it another try on my APM tomorrow and let you know.

vooon commented 10 years ago

I'll try do it tomorrow.

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

Thank you very much @vooon!

vooon commented 10 years ago

@TSC21 I almost done, but position control very dirty. Need redo it for constant-time integrating.

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

Thank you @vooon! :D when you have all done please warn me! I will be glad to test this!

vooon commented 10 years ago

You already can test all modes except -pos (and maybe -vel).

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

@vooon doing a test now. My axes map is different, that's easy to change, but I see that some channels a reversed. You should add a parameter also to reverse channel, without having to go to the control mode and doins something like z=-yaw.

Note: in my case, my axis map is:

axes_map = {
    'roll': 3,
    'pitch': 2,
    'yaw': 0,
    'throttle': 1

and in vel control mode:

twist.twist.linear = Vector3(x=-roll, y=pitch, z=throttle)
twist.twist.angular = Vector3(z=-yaw)
vooon commented 10 years ago

Use ~axes_scale/<name> parameter to reverse (set it to -1.0).

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

Oh ok, didin't checked that. Thanks!

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

Can you integrate rosrun joy joy_node on script launch instead of adding it to launch file?

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

@vooon another thing that needs to be working: the node must be always sending the data, even if it is 0.0, i.e. for example, cmd_vel must always be publishing even if we don't move the swtiches on the joystick, cause OFFBOARDmode has a 0.5s timeout and as to be constantly receiving data to stay in that mode or it reverses to the previous mode!

What I'm seeing is that it when we set a channel to a value, cmd_vel just sends that value once. The PX4 implementation needs to be constantly receiving data, so I think what can be done is cmd_vel sends always the previous channel value, except when it receives the a new value. That new value is stored and it's sent constantly till a new value of the channel is set (using the analog sticks off course).

tonybaltovski commented 10 years ago

Add this to your launch file for the joy node <param name="~autorepeat_rate" value="5" />

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

Thanks @tonybaltovski that worked! But I still can't change the parameters using the launch file. Here's how my launch file looks like:

    <!-- vim: ft=roslaunch -->
    <!-- example launch script for PX4 teleop -->

    <arg name="fcu_url" default="serial:///dev/ttyACM0:57600" />
    <arg name="gcs_url" default="" />
    <arg name="tgt_system" default="1" />
    <arg name="tgt_component" default="50" />

    <node pkg="mavros" type="mavros_node" name="mavros" required="true" clear_params="true" output="screen">
        <param name="fcu_url" value="$(arg fcu_url)" />
        <param name="gcs_url" value="$(arg gcs_url)" />
        <param name="target_system_id" value="$(arg tgt_system)" />
        <param name="target_component_id" value="$(arg tgt_component)" />

        <!-- px4 blacklist -->
        <rosparam command="load" file="$(find mavros)/launch/px4_blacklist.yaml" />

        <!-- enable heartbeat send and reduce timeout -->
        <param name="conn_heartbeat" value="5.0" />
        <param name="conn_timeout" value="10.0" />
        <!-- enable mavlink autostart on USB port -->
        <param name="startup_px4_usb_quirk" value="true" />

        <!-- joystick axis parameters -->

        <!-- joystick axis map -->
        <param name="~axes_map/roll" value="3" />
        <param name="~axes_map/pitch" value="2" />
        <param name="~axes_map/yaw" value="0" />
        <param name="~axes_map/throttle" value="1" />

        <!-- joystick axis scale -->
        <param name="~axes_scale/roll" value="-1.0" />
        <param name="~axes_scale/pitch" value="" />
        <param name="~axes_scale/yaw" value="-1.0" />
        <param name="~axes_scale/throttle" value="" />


    <node pkg="joy" type="joy_node" name="joy" required="true">
        <param name="~/autorepeat_rate" value="50" />

Maybe cause this is a mavros_extras script? But issuing rosparam list / I get:


So I can't understand why it doesn't change the param.

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

By the way @vooon, it should be axis and not axes ;) I will do that correction and make a PR if you want.

Update: god, my ignorance. axes is plural of axis (so it's ok as is)

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

Update: if I do rosparam get /mavros/axes_map/pitch I get 2 as supposed, so I think it may be something on mavteleop.

If I do instead:

load_map(axes_map, '/mavros/axes_map/')
load_map(axes_scale, '/mavros/axes_scale/')
load_map(button_map, '/mavros/button_map/')

on rosrun mavteleop:

[ERROR] [WallTime: 1409327711.720875] bad callback: <function joy_cb at 0xa5ce9cc>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/ros/hydro/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/", line 682, in _invoke_callback
  File "/home/vision/vision_ros_ws/src/mavros/mavros_extras/scripts/mavteleop", line 187, in joy_cb
    pitch = get_axis(joy, 'pitch')
  File "/home/vision/vision_ros_ws/src/mavros/mavros_extras/scripts/mavteleop", line 92, in get_axis
    return j.axes[axes_map[n]] * axes_scale[n]
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'
TSC21 commented 10 years ago

Ok the problem is solved! Here's what I did: On the launch file I had:

<!-- joystick axis scale -->
        <param name="~axes_scale/roll" value="-1.0" />
        <param name="~axes_scale/pitch" value="" />
        <param name="~axes_scale/yaw" value="-1.0" />
        <param name="~axes_scale/throttle" value="" />

which was giving the previous error of sequence multiply. changed to:

<!-- joystick axis scale -->
        <param name="~axes_scale/roll" value="-1.0" />
        <param name="~axes_scale/pitch" value="1.0" />
        <param name="~axes_scale/yaw" value="-1.0" />
        <param name="~axes_scale/throttle" value="1.0" />

The subscription was solved with changing mavteleop with this:

load_map(axes_map, '/mavros/axes_map/')
load_map(axes_scale, '/mavros/axes_scale/')
load_map(button_map, '/mavros/button_map/')

Will do a PR soon.

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

PR done in #143.

vooon commented 10 years ago

I was confused the plural form of the axes.

You apply parameters to wrong node. I plainly did startup script.

vooon commented 10 years ago

(Started before your PR).

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

You apply parameters to wrong node. I plainly did startup script.

Yes now I understand! Thanks! Will cancel PR then.

vooon commented 10 years ago


  1. start FCU connection: roslaunch mavros px4.launch
  2. start teleoperation: roslaunch mavros_extras teleop.launch

Or create your own launch with <include file="..."> for both files.

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

Usage: start FCU connection: roslaunch mavros px4.launch start teleoperation: roslaunch mavros_extras teleop.launch

Thanks! Will try then!

TSC21 commented 10 years ago

Working fine now :) just had to change the yaml and done (check 289fa6c - should be rollbot poll). Now I'll be testing this on GCS HIL to see how it goes. What has to be done on the position part @vooon?