mavlink / mavros

MAVLink to ROS gateway with proxy for Ground Control Station
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Different topics rate on same computers #1396

Open elgarbe opened 4 years ago

elgarbe commented 4 years ago

Hi, I have to vehicles with pixhawk, serial connection to a raspberry pi 3b+, booth FC with the same configuration in telem2 port (Mavlink and 921600bps). I have a wifi router and booth vehicles and my laptop on the same network and in the same place. I run apm.laucnh on each raspi and rosrun mavsys rate 30. In each raspberry I run rostopic hz /mavros/global_position/local and in one of them I get 22 Hz and on the other 17 Hz. What could be the source for different topic rates?


amilcarlucas commented 3 years ago

Is the publish rate of the Mavlink messages the same on both systems?

elgarbe commented 3 years ago

Is the publish rate of the Mavlink messages the same on both systems?

As I sed I set the mavros rate to 30Hz on both Raspberry computer. I don't know if I can set publish rate on pixhawk, I don't think so.


vooon commented 3 years ago

Maybe it's depends on GPS module. Can you try to check some other message, that is not dependant on external sensors. What about IMU messages? Also please compare CPU/RAM usages on both rpi's.

elgarbe commented 3 years ago

I will check it tomorrow and let you know the results. BTW both GPS are ublox M8N module. The hardware is the same on low/high level computer/controller.