Open unravelwool opened 4 years ago
Hi @unravelwool , Did you progress on this task? I'm also trying to control a UAV from sitl with mavros and gazebo simulation.
I had similar issues and here is my conclusion:
1- For the topic /mavros/setpoint_position/global :I checked the type of messages published on it by running rostopic info /mavros/setpoint_position/global
I found out that the message type that I should be working with is geographic_msgs/GeoPoseStamped not mavros_msgs/GlobalPositionTarget (I don't know why the documentation is not updated) and this worked for me.
2- For the topic mavros/setpoint_attitude/cmd_vel : it didn't work for the velocity but the topic mavros/setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel
(which is not mentioned in the documentation but can be found in the file which can be found in /catkin_ws/src/mavros/mavros/src/mavros ) worked for me.
3- For the topic mavros/setpoint_accel/accel : unfortunately I am still trying to figure out how to make it work (maybe that's the reason)
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Issue details
I'm using Mavros to communicate with Ardupilot SITL to control my UAV in Gazebo simulator. When I test the mavros methods of controlling uav by publishing some messages to
topic, I find some controlling comands do not work. Please see the following description for details. 1) Publish messages tomavros/setpoint_accel/accel
topic, the uavs in both ardupilot SITL and Gazebo don't move, the command controlling acceleration doesn't work. 2) Publish messgaes tomavros/setpoint_attitude/cmd_vel
topic, the uavs in both ardupilot SITL and Gazebo don't move. 3) Publish messgaes tomavros/setpoint_position/local
topic, the command set the target position and orientation the uav get. However, the uav in simulation can only translate to the target position, but does not achieve the target orientation required by the command. 4) Publish messages tomavros/setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel
topic, the messgaes set the value of x/y/z axis linear speed and roll/pitch/yaw angular speed, but the uav in simulation can only fly in translation method, and don't rotate. above mavros command sent to apm sitl is all inguided mode
(a flight mode in apm) and after takeoff. Summary: the mavros can set the position and x/y/z axis speed of uav, but can not control the angles and angular speeds of uav.Is something about my mavros wrong? or some param about mavros is set wrong? How can I control the yaw angle and angular speed? Besides, I am let mavros communicate to Ardupilot SITL using the
file like this:MAVROS version and platform
Mavros: ?0.18.4? maybe, I have forget the version of mavros. how I can get the version information. ROS: Kinetic Ubuntu: 16.04
Autopilot type and version
[x] ArduPilot [ ] PX4
Version: Copter V3.6-dev (c6a0763b)
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