mavlink / mavros

MAVLink to ROS gateway with proxy for Ground Control Station
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Can not set home position without GPS and with vision pose/yaw #1641

Open Cristian-wp opened 3 years ago

Cristian-wp commented 3 years ago

MAVROS version and platform

Mavros: 1.9.0 ROS: Melodic Ubuntu: 16.04

Autopilot type and version

[ ] ArduPilot [ x ] PX4

Version: v1.12.3

Hi! can someone help me with the vision pose estimation in indoor?

I have followed the tutorial and set: AID_MASK to 24 HGT_MODE to Vision RNG_AID to disabled

In my ulog files I can see the message: [ecl/EKF] starting vision pos fusion [ecl/EKF] starting vision yaw fusion

With QGC and with Mavros I check the local position and is correct respect to the tests position (move forward,rear, rotation on Z axis and roll and pitch) performed by hand in indoor.

But in the ros terminal I can not see the two above messages about fusion, and in the same terminal I constantly get the following info and warning:

[warn] [...] GP: No GPS fix [info] [...] HP: requesting home position

My purpose is to fly in offboard mode, but I have not set it at the moment, because I wana check that the home position is set and correct. I have to set offboard before start the vision pose estimation?

Can someone help me please?

canberkgurel commented 3 years ago

When you use vision, you need to use the setpoint_raw. It expects setpoints in the /odom frame, which doesn't require a GPS nor an home position. Those are needed if you try to send latitude, longitude, altitude setpoints.