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ROS2 RTK setup - replacement for gcs_bridge #1905

Open diablo1281 opened 8 months ago

diablo1281 commented 8 months ago

Issue details

Hi, I am trying to connect RTK node to mavros node. I have a device on the network that sends Mavlink messages with RTCM for all UAVs in the network (it is seen as a vehicle with its own ID). On ROS1 I used gcs_bridge and it worked fine. Now as I updated to ROS2 I can't get it to work. I tried to modify mavros_node to accept additional GCS in the router setup, but messages are not visible in the Mavlink Inspector on QGCS and the drone doesn't receive any RTCM messages.

I would appreciate any help on this topic.

MAVROS version and platform

Mavros: ros2 branch ROS: Humble (compiled from source) Ubuntu: Debian Bullseye RT

Autopilot type and version

[ ] ArduPilot [ X] PX4

Version: 1.13.1

vooon commented 8 months ago

You don't need gcs_bridge anymore. Just call router to add additional link:

Note that router doesn't pass messages from the same endpoint type. So message coming from GCS will be routed to FCU, but not to other GCS (i.e. QGC).

vooon commented 8 months ago

See also:

diablo1281 commented 7 months ago

@vooon thanks for anwers.

I still didn't get it to work. After trying to create an endpoint for the RTK station there are no incoming messages to MAVROS from it. I did try it through C++ module code and service. Also, I disabled the block for exchanging messages between the same type of endpoint to find out it using QGC. As a result, in Mavlink Inspector I can see UAV and QGC messages, but no RTK. Also, I did try to connect 2 QGC with different IDs and there is some strange behavior - sometimes it connects, sometimes not. Messages are getting laggy also.

I think I tried everything but without luck. Do you have any tips?

vooon commented 7 months ago

That's odd. Probably you can try to put mavlink-router in front of mavros router as a workaround.