mavlink / mavros

MAVLink to ROS gateway with proxy for Ground Control Station
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`mavros/cmd/arming` service is unable to specify the "force" parameter #1937

Closed NumbNutN closed 3 months ago

NumbNutN commented 3 months ago

Issue details

Hi there. I would like to automate a drone with Ardupilot firmware with mavros. I notice there's a Force parameter could be specified in command MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM(400) MAVLink - message

In some cases Ardupilot will fail safety checks, for example, the main program loop cannot run at the required frequency in SITL environment, in which case we need to include the Force parameter in the mavlink packet to override it.

However mavros/cmd/arming service with message type CommandBool was unable to specify a force parameter so I have to use low level mavlink tool to pack a packet.

Is it possible to add a force parameter in service mavros/cmd/arming Request type?

MAVROS version and platform

Mavros: 1.15.0 ROS: Noetic Ubuntu: 20.04 LTS

Autopilot type and version

[ Tick ] ArduPilot [ ] PX4

vooon commented 3 months ago

I'd rather not to do so. Instead you can use ~/cmd/long.

NumbNutN commented 3 months ago

Thanks. That's certainly what I'm looking for. @vooon