Closed itskalvik closed 4 months ago
Okay, the issue seems to be with setting a namespace. Whenever I launch the mavros node with a namespace other than 'mavros', all other parameters get ignored, and only the namespace goes into effect. I tried using both Python-based and XML-based scripts to launch mavros with a specific namespace, and I got the same result.
Figured it out! I had to change the first line in apm_pluginlists.yaml from 'mavros/**'
to '*/mavros/**':
# common
- '*'
- 'sys_*'
- 'setpoint_position'
- 'distance_sensor'
- 'global_position'
- 'imu'
- 'command'
- 'local_position'
Issue details
Hello everyone! I am trying to pass a custom pluginlists_yaml file to mavros as a launch file argument. Here is my launch file:
The file works fine when called directly from the terminal with ros2 launch, but it does not work when I call it from another Python launch file. In particular, I am able to set the fcu_url without any issues, but not the pluginlists_yaml file path. Mavros ignores the custom pluginlists_yaml path and uses the default file shipped with the package. Here is my Python launch file:
MAVROS version and platform
Mavros: 2.8.0 ROS: Humble Ubuntu: 22.04
Autopilot type and version
[x] ArduPilot [ ] PX4
Version: 3.7.1
Node logs
Note that actuator_control was blacklisted in my custom yaml file
I would appreciate any help with the issue :)