mavlink / qgc-dev-guide

QGroundControl Developers Guide
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How can I fill the whole screen with QGC? #168

Closed ukb1 closed 1 year ago

ukb1 commented 1 year ago

I want to fill the entire screen with QGC. Including the windows taskbar section at the bottom. no need to show the close minimize buttons on the top, as if f11 is pressed. mainRootWindow.qml

` ApplicationWindow { id: mainWindow // minimumWidth: ScreenTools.isMobile ? Screen.width : Math.min(ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth 100, Screen.width) // minimumHeight: ScreenTools.isMobile ? Screen.height : Math.min(ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth 50, Screen.height) visible: true visibility: Window.FullScreen // visibility: mainWindow.FullScreen Component.onCompleted: {

    if (!ScreenTools.isMobile || Screen.height / ScreenTools.realPixelDensity < 120 ) {
         console.log("APP: true")

    } else {
        console.log("APP: false")

// width = ScreenTools.isMobile ? Screen.width : Math.min(250 Screen.pixelDensity, Screen.width) // height = ScreenTools.isMobile ? Screen.height : Math.min(150 Screen.pixelDensity, Screen.height) mainWindow.fullScreen() }


` I added main mainWindow.fullScreen() to the else part of this code, but still no change

hamishwillee commented 1 year ago

I have no idea. YOur best bet is to ask on the discussion forums. This is for issues with the docs.