mavlink / qgroundcontrol

Cross-platform ground control station for drones (Android, iOS, Mac OS, Linux, Windows)
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Can't flash ArduPilot, ChibiOS, Multirotor stack to Pixhawk 2.4.8 #10647

Open rtalans opened 1 year ago

rtalans commented 1 year ago

Expected Behavior

Successful flash of ArduPilot, ChibiOS, Multirotor stack to Pixhawk 2.4.8

Current Behavior

After following instructions and clicking the OK button and waiting quite a long time, nothing happens. No progress, no messages. QGC is not hung as I can cancel the operation.

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide an unambiguous set of steps to reproduce the current behavior

  1. Start QGC v4.2.4
  2. Connect Pixhawk 2.4.8 via USB
  3. From popup menu click on Vehicle Setup (gears icon)
  4. Click on Firmware (on sidebar)
  5. Unplug Pixhawk from USB (per onscreen instructions)
  6. Plug in Pixhawk to USB (per onscreen instructions)
  7. Note that onscreen instructions and device information are now greyed out
  8. Select ArduPilot, ChibiOS and Multirotor
  9. Click OK
  10. Nothing happens. No progress, no messages. QGC is not hung as I can cancel the operation.

System Information

When posting bug reports, include the following information

Detailed Description

I did find this same problem from a 2018 post (now closed) that suggested using ChibiOS instead of NuttX and that is what I am attempting here. Note that flashing the PX4 Pro NuttX flight stack works just fine as does all subsequent Vehicle Setup procedures (Airframe, Sensors, Radio, etc.).

My Goal I am trying to reflash with ArduPilot so that I can perform auto tune from RC switch. PX4 Pro NuttX requires telem connection to QGC and I do not have that hardware nor a portable system to take into the field with me.


image image image

booo commented 1 year ago

Can you try latest QGC unstable and see if the problem persists there?

Maybe check your kernel log when you plugin/unplug you device and post it here. (sudo dmesg).

rtalans commented 1 year ago

@booo So I just ordered GitHub for Dummies. Gotta learn how to build different branches. I ran dmesg and was a bit shocked at the amount of info returned. I have gone over the dmesg man page but don't really know how to interpret the output. Can you point out what I should be looking for?

booo commented 1 year ago

You don't have to build the branch yourself. Just use the image from the the CI system. E.g.:

If you plugin the USB device/FC you should see some USB related messages about the devices in the kernel log. You can use dmesg -w to follow the log while you plugin the device.

Maybe you can check lsusb too. And make sure the kernel detects the devices.

rtalans commented 1 year ago


When I run the app image from the link you provided I get a new dialog shown below (the flight stack chosen is blocked by the dialog but it is the same as the above screen shot). The results are the same (fails to flash): image

dmesg produced the following output. I did find it curious that two different FMU versions are listed though I really don't know how to interpret this output:


And here is the lsub output: image

rtalans commented 1 year ago

@booo I found the QGroundControl console log in Application Settings. Here is the console output from QGroundControl start->Vehicle Setup->Firmware Setup. Then I performed Steps to Reproduce 6, 8 and 9. ArduPilotFlashAttempt.txt

Ryanf55 commented 1 year ago

Duplicate of #10269

Same error.

[E] at :0 - "QSslSocket: cannot resolve EVP_PKEY_base_id"
[E] at :0 - "QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSL_get_peer_certificate"
[E] at :0 - "QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_get_peer_certificate"
[E] at ../../qgroundcontrol/qgroundcontrol/src/VehicleSetup/ - "PX4 releases github download failed "Error during download. Error: 6""
[E] at :0 - "QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_get_peer_certificate"
[E] at ../../qgroundcontrol/qgroundcontrol/src/VehicleSetup/ - "ArduPilot Manifest download failed "Error during download. Error: 6""
[D] at ../../qgroundcontrol/qgroundcontrol/src/VehicleSetup/ - ""3D Robotics" "PX4 BL FMU v3.x""```