mavlink / qgroundcontrol

Cross-platform ground control station for drones (Android, iOS, Mac OS, Linux, Windows)
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The latest QGroundControl and the latest PX4 firmware parameters do not match. #11252

Closed dagouxiong233 closed 3 months ago

dagouxiong233 commented 6 months ago

Current Behavior


System Information

dagouxiong233 commented 6 months ago

In the latest version of the PX4 firmware, there have been changes to some parameters. The parameter FW_ARSP_MODE has been renamed to FW_USE_AIRSPD, and the CBRK_AIRSPD_CHK parameter has been replaced with SYS_HAS_NUM_ASPD. For operations without an airspeed sensor, you would set SYS_HAS_NUM_ASPD to 0. Similarly, if you do not wish to use the airspeed sensor data in the controller, you would set FW_USE_AIRSPD to 0​

dagouxiong233 commented 6 months ago

DonLakeFlyer commented 5 months ago

This is going to require version check on parameter access for forward/back compatibility

sfuhrer commented 5 months ago

QGC shouldn't have to worry about FW_USE_AIRSPD. What is the info you need to have in QGC, is it whether there is an airspeed sensor present on the vehicle that needs calibration? How do we do it for the other senors (accel, gyro, mag), do we just assume at least one of each is always present? SYS_HAS_NUM_ASPD could be used for that, but can we also consider relying on mavlink instead? Ideally there would be a message from the autopilot about which sensors are present (or, even better, which ones require calibration). For the meantime, there are already existing mavlink messages that can be checked to see if there is any airspeed sensor present at all, e.g. SCALED_PRESSURE has a differential pressure field, or the airspeed field of VFR_HUD.

DonLakeFlyer commented 5 months ago

What is the info you need to have in QGC, is it whether there is an airspeed sensor present on the vehicle that needs calibration?


For the meantime, there are already existing mavlink messages that can be checked to see if there is any airspeed sensor present at all, e.g. SCALED_PRESSURE has a differential pressure field, or the airspeed field of VFR_HUD.

But what happens if the airspeed sensor hasn't been calibrated yet. Will that still work?

sfuhrer commented 5 months ago

But what happens if the airspeed sensor hasn't been calibrated yet. Will that still work?

Currently yes, though we're working on enabling multi airspeed sensors which would then require an adapted workflow in QGC again. @dagar have you already given this some thoughts?

@DonLakeFlyer what do you do for the Mag calibration in QGC to figure out when to display it as "mag needs calibration"?

DenysZaytsev commented 4 months ago

Hi guys, I'm trying to build a bootloader and a firmware for Matek H743-WING v3 (using make matek_h743_bootloader and make matek_h743_default from the latest release 1.14). After I upload it to the FC, I see those messages in QGC


I tried to disable AirSpeed sensor by disabling parameters




I tried with VTOL and standard plane with no luck.

Due to this issue I can't calibrate AirFlow sensor - it just fails and I can't also disable it completely. Also I can't Arm the vehicle, because preflight checks are not passed:

image image image

[16:49:07.451] Critical: Arming denied: Resolve system health failures first

Could you pls let me know how to fix the issue either without AirFlow sensor (I was up to use Matek ASPD4525) or to make that one work? Thanks in advance.

DonLakeFlyer commented 4 months ago

what do you do for the Mag calibration in QGC to figure out when to display it as "mag needs calibration"?


    _deviceIds = QStringList({QStringLiteral("CAL_GYRO0_ID"), QStringLiteral("CAL_ACC0_ID") });

const char* SensorsComponent::_airspeedBreakerParam =   "CBRK_AIRSPD_CHK";
const char* SensorsComponent::_airspeedDisabledParam =  "FW_ARSP_MODE";
const char* SensorsComponent::_airspeedCalParam =       "SENS_DPRES_OFF";

const char* SensorsComponent::_magEnabledParam =  "SYS_HAS_MAG";
const char* SensorsComponent::_magCalParam =  "CAL_MAG0_ID";

bool SensorsComponent::setupComplete(void) const
    foreach (const QString &triggerParam, _deviceIds) {
        if (_vehicle->parameterManager()->getParameter(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, triggerParam)->rawValue().toFloat() == 0.0f) {
            return false;
    bool magEnabled = true;
    if (_vehicle->parameterManager()->parameterExists(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, _magEnabledParam)) {
        magEnabled = _vehicle->parameterManager()->getParameter(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, _magEnabledParam)->rawValue().toBool();

    if (magEnabled && _vehicle->parameterManager()->getParameter(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, _magCalParam)->rawValue().toFloat() == 0.0f) {
        return false;

    if (_vehicle->fixedWing() || _vehicle->vtol() || _vehicle->airship()) {
        if (!_vehicle->parameterManager()->getParameter(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, _airspeedDisabledParam)->rawValue().toBool() &&
                _vehicle->parameterManager()->getParameter(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, _airspeedBreakerParam)->rawValue().toInt() != 162128 &&
                _vehicle->parameterManager()->getParameter(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, _airspeedCalParam)->rawValue().toFloat() == 0.0f) {
            return false;

    return true;
DonLakeFlyer commented 4 months ago

@dagouxiong233 @sfuhrer Can you both review the changes in QGC to makes sure I have this version specific handling correct? Specifically these two methods:

DonLakeFlyer commented 4 months ago

@DenysZaytsev Once CI finishes can you test this? You can pull the install artifacts from the GitHub Actions.

DenysZaytsev commented 4 months ago

@DenysZaytsev Once CI finishes can you test this? You can pull the install artifacts from the GitHub Actions.

Yes, I can test with Matek ASPD4525 So far I just compiled from release branch 1.14 (previously I was compiling from the main branch) and there are no errors in QGC (cause no changes yet been made in that release), but AirSpeed calibration still doesn't work, however at least I disabled it completely and now can arm.

DonLakeFlyer commented 4 months ago

@DenysZaytsev Builds are ready. What OS do you use? I can point you to the install.

sfuhrer commented 3 months ago

@DonLakeFlyer I've commented on the PR. Thanks a lot for addressing it! As you use already use SYS_HAS_MAG for checking if a mag cal is needed I would do it the same way for airspeed and simply check SYS_HAS_NUM_ASPD, not also FW_USE_AIRSPD.