mavlink / qgroundcontrol

Cross-platform ground control station for drones (Android, iOS, Mac OS, Linux, Windows)
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Downloadable JSon file for firmware listings #2797

Open DonLakeFlyer opened 8 years ago

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

Currently the urls to the various firmware versions are hardcoded into QGC. Also QGC needs to jump through hoops to determine things like the versions of those firmware files. It would be much better if these were dynamically determined at runtime instead of hardcoded in. I'm proposing using a standard json file format to represent the available firmware versions. These json files could then be downloaded from multiple places such that QGC understands the full set available. The combination of all files would represent the full list of firmware available tto QGC. This gets QGC out of the business of understanding build system locations and custom parsing logic for different firmware providers.

Below is the proposed format. Keys which are shows as "foo|bar" represent the options which can be put into the key. I'm hoping the keys are self explanatory.

Each individual firmware entry is represented like this:

"version": 1,

"stable": [
"boardType": "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore",
"stack": "PX4|ArduPilot",
"vehicleType": "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover",
"version": "#.#.##",
"url": "http://foo.px4|hex"

"olderVersions": [
"boardType": "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore"
"stack": "PX4|ArduPilot",
"releaseType": "Stable|Beta|Developer",
"vehicleType": "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover",
"version": "#.#.##",
"url": "http://foo.px4|hex"

At this point the important thing is the set of information required to identify the firmware a versions. There are many ways this could be represented in a json hierarchy. I'm open to just about anything that has the needed set of information in it.

Note: There is nothing here that is QGC specific. This should work for any ground station.

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

@LorenzMeier @lvale FYI: Proposal to standardize downloadable firmware information across PX4, ArduPilot, AeroCore. Can someone include in the AeroCore folks?

lvale commented 8 years ago

Following our previous conversation:

    "version": 1.1,

    "stable": [
            "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2",
            "stack":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
            "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
            "version":      "#.#.##",
            "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf"

    "olderVersions": [
            "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2"
            "stack":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
            "releaseType":  "Stable|Beta|Developer",
            "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
            "version":      "#.#.##",
            "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf"
DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

Any feedback on this?

LorenzMeier commented 8 years ago

Looks good to me - is the "|" symbol intended as part of the format or is it separating examples? Because for PX4 the vehicle type makes no sense.

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

Means "or" to seperate examples. The other important question is whethere the PX4 and ArduPilot build systems can generate something like this. Since your going to want to automate this.

lvale commented 8 years ago

Will try to close it at today dev call.

lvale commented 8 years ago

Just separated older releases from the developing versions and uniformization amongst levels.

{ "version": 1.2,

"stable": [
        "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2",
        "autopilot":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
        "releaseType":  "Stable",
        "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
        "version":      "#.#.##",
        "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf"

"previous": [
        "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2"
        "autopilot":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
        "releaseType":  "Stable",
        "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
        "version":      "#.#.##",
        "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf"

"developer": [
        "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2"
        "autopilot":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
        "releaseType":  "Beta|Master",
        "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
        "version":      "#.#.##",
        "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf"


DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

Seems ok to me. "Developer" should be "developer". Also I think format "version" should change to "formatVersion" to not confuse it with the firmware version key.

lvale commented 8 years ago

edited above.

lucasdemarchi commented 8 years ago

@DonLakeFlyer Any reason to have Navio explicit there? We have so many Linux boards supported and this will only increase over time. I think just leaving it as Linux would be enough. Or is this field informational only?

lvale commented 8 years ago

@lucasdemarchi I added Navio. Was the only one at firmware.diydrones, the others aren't.


rmackay9 commented 8 years ago

I would replace "stack" with "autopilot"

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

Sounds good. Updated.

rmackay9 commented 8 years ago

Instead of "stable", "previous" and "developer", how about using names consistent with FIRMWARE_VERSION_TYPE defined in MAVLink ( and then we could get rid of the releaseType field.

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

You're talking names (dev, alpha, beta, rc, official) not change to numbers right? Make sense.

rmackay9 commented 8 years ago

@DonLakeFlyer, yes, that's right. The version numbers could remain as they are... although could the version be any string? for example I just did a beta release called "Copter-3.3.4-rc2-pixracer". In either case, I don't really need that full string to be in the file. the version could be just "3.3.4" and that would be fine.

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

although could the version be any string

Don't see why not. These string will be shown to the user though.

lvale commented 8 years ago

@rmackay9 @DonLakeFlyer

Tried to accommodate and compile all the suggestions above on this:

If we close this, then @peterbarker will get to move on the Ardupilot side with still to be decided location of this file

{ "version": 1.3,

"official": [
        "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2",
        "autopilot":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
        "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
        "version":      "#.#.##",
        "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf"

"rc": [
        "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2",
        "autopilot":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
        "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
        "version":      "#.#.##",
        "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf"

"beta": [
        "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2",
        "autopilot":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
        "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
        "version":      "#.#.##",
        "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf"

"alpha": [
        "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2",
        "autopilot":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
        "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
        "version":      "#.#.##",
        "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf"

"dev": [
        "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2",
        "autopilot":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
        "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
        "version":      "#.#.##",
        "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf"


DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

There is no way to tell which builds are the latest "official" as opposed to old "official"'s. There is a missing level of hierarchy. I can see what people want. Let me take a stab at re-working it.

lvale commented 8 years ago

On official you have the version numbers, wouldn't that be enough ?

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

The versions numbers are just strings (which I think is a good ting). I don't want to depend on those being real numbers to do comparison.

rmackay9 commented 8 years ago

we could potentially make the vehicleType consistent with the MAVLink MAV_TYPE. So "Octo" would become "Octorotor". I don't really mind either way, just a thought.

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

Hmm. My thinking there was to have it match ArduPilot terminology would be better and more human understandable since that naming shows up in the UI as well. But I do like the idea of instead matching mavlink terminology better since it makes it more mavlink generic. Let's go with mavlink for everything.

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

So I think we have this:

"formatVersion": 1,

"official:rc:beta:alpha:dev": [
        "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2",
        "autopilot":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
        "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
        "version":      "#.#.##",
        "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf"

"previous": [
    "official:rc:beta:alpha:dev": [
            "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2",
            "autopilot":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
            "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
            "version":      "#.#.##",
            "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf"

I changed to using ":" as an "or" operator for explaining the format. So at the top level you have the latest version of all official, rc, beta and alpha releases. Inside each of those can have multiple firmwares listed. At this level of the hierarchy boardType+autopilot+vehicleType form the unique key. There should only be a single firmware listed for each of those keys

Then under "previous" are all previous versions you want to expose, categorized first by official:rc:beta:alpha releases. Here the unique key expands to include +version as far as what would be considered a duplicate entry.

I didn't change to using MAV_TYPE because I couldn't figure out how to deal with X8 versus Octo.

Another thing to note "formatVersion" is an int. We just need to indicate a breaking change with a bump of formatVersion. No need for tracking point releases I don't think.

peterbarker commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I'm late to this party.

I'm not convinced by the structure yet. You've pulled out one axis to be "special" - the package release type. That could just as easily have been another entry in each description.

The structure is currently very flat. This means that a GCS attempting to find the correct package to download will need to filter the list that the JSON turns into - e.g. my @possibilities = grep { $_{'releasetype'} eq 'official' && $_{'vehicleType'} eq 'rover' } \@lotsofthings. (Note that adding "releaseType" to this is natural). Adding a "latest" (boolean) entry would allow you to do away with the "top-level" object and "previous" list of objects.

An alternate structure could allow the GCS to walk directly to a list of possibilities:

 "version": 0.1,
 "ArduPilot": {
    "Official": {
        "Copter": {
            "X8": {
                 "PX4FMUv2": {
                      "latest": {
                           "version": "#.#.##",
                           "url": "http://xyzzy..."
                      "#.#.##": {
                           "url": "http://xyzzy..."
}}}}}}}}} (roughly).

I only mention that latter for completeness. Structured documents went out in favour of searching/filtering (thanks Google!).

So, I'd like to recommend:

"formatVersion": 1,

"binaries": [
        "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2",
        "autopilot":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
        "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
        "version":      "#.#.##",
        "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf",
        "releaseType": "official:rc:beta:alpha:dev",
        "latest": 0
        "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2",
        "autopilot":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
        "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
        "version":      "#.#.##",
        "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf",
        "releaseType": "official:rc:beta:alpha:dev",
        "latest": 1
DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

There are two aspects to the usage of this file: 1) Easy to read by a ground station 2) Easy to write by a build system

For #1: The special casing of latest releases allows a ground station to quickly find them without needing to read the entire file contents.

For #2 I think the special casing may make it easier to generate as well. The reason being you could keep a file which has older releases in it, then merge that together with the latest. Then you wouldn't have to keep tweaking the "latest" key everytime a new set of latest comes out.

I think both of these may be minor issues. I'm fine with just having a single list with no special callouts if other folks are.

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

@peterbarker Moving the example for the ArduPilot issue so the discussion doesn't fork. If you put the two examples side by side you can see the differences and what is missing. Anything extra is fine, but all the fields are needed.

    "firmware": [
            "mav-type": "GROUND_ROVER", 
            "format": "hex", 
            "url": "", 
            "mav-firmware-version-type": "DEV", 
            "mav-autopilot": "ARDUPILOTMEGA", 
            "platform": "apm1", 
            "git-sha": "705d3d567abfe8d86cbc5f3120bc6b09b879476f", 
            "latest": 1
        "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2",
        "autopilot":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
        "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
        "version":      "#.#.##",
        "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf",
        "releaseType": "official:rc:beta:alpha:dev",
        "latest": 0

They have almost the same information. It's jsut missing version amd then key names and wording differences. I don't care too much about the key names. Randy's suggestion was to go with values names that match mavlink naming which I think makes sense. So ARDUPILOTMEGA makes sense with respect to that.

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

Can we close out on this? Latest version is here:

        "boardType":    "PX4FMUV1|PX4FMUV2|PX4FMUV4|AeroCore|NAVIO|PXF|APM1-1280|APM1|APM2",
        "autopilot":        "PX4|ArduPilot",
        "vehicleType":  "Default|Quad|X8|Hexa|Octo|Y|Y6|Heli|Plane|Rover|AntennaTracker",
        "version":      "#.#.##",
        "url":          "http://foo.px4|hex|elf",
        "releaseType": "official:rc:beta:alpha:dev",
        "latest": 0|1

These are the required fields. Any extra fields are fine.

I'd like to get QGC cut over to this.

peterbarker commented 8 years ago

This is what I'm currently generating:

        "mav-firmware-version": "3.4.0-FIRMWARE_VERSION_TYPE_DEV", 
        "mav-type": "HELICOPTER", 
        "format": "px4", 
        "url": "http://fred/Copter/2016-03/2016-03-21-17:03/PX4-heli/ArduCopter-v4.px4", 
        "mav-firmware-version-type": "DEV", 
        "mav-autopilot": "ARDUPILOTMEGA", 
        "platform": "PX4-v4", 
        "git-sha": "df7720cb0bc6a7096c69b340cb141d705c338242", 
        "latest": 0

Anything prepended with "mav" should be coming directly from the mavlink specifications. The "mav-autopilot" is a good example of that - previously "ArduPilot", not "ARDUPILOTMEGA" (as that's what the definition says).

I believe "platform" and "format" are vital - they disambiguate for some things in ArduPilot.

@DonLakeFlyer Does this look OK? If so I can put in a PR for the script to generate the above output.

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

platform: Looks the same as boardType in my proposal, correct? Of so, this is ok. format: QGC just goes off file extension. So it doesn't need it. mav-type: What are the defines for Y6/X8? Those don't seem to be in MAV_TYPE. mav-firmware-version: Don't want to have to parse our version number from the string. Could it just be version number only?

Other than the above, this is workable.

peterbarker commented 8 years ago

@DonLakeFlyer "platform" is a renamed boardType; note that "Linux" is a platform, so I thought "board" not-quite-right. Fair enough on the format. May as well have the information, 'though, even if QGC doesn't use it. I use it in the MAVProxy module to allow easy filtering on the firmware format. For the mav-type - as you say, the standard doesn't cover e.g. Y6. So I made stuff up:

        "mav-type": "ARDUPILOT_Y6", 

Fair call on the version string. Why don't we just add it component-wise:

        "mav-type": "ANTENNA_TRACKER", 
        "mav-firmware-version-minor": "7", 
        "format": "px4", 
        "url": "http://fred/AntennaTracker/2016-03/2016-03-21-17:03/PX4/AntennaTracker-v1.px4", 
        "mav-firmware-version-type": "DEV", 
        "mav-firmware-version-patch": "6", 
        "mav-autopilot": "ARDUPILOTMEGA", 
        "platform": "PX4-v1", 
        "mav-firmware-version": "0.7.6-FIRMWARE_VERSION_TYPE_DEV", 
        "git-sha": "df7720cb0bc6a7096c69b340cb141d705c338242", 
        "mav-firmware-version-major": "0", 
        "latest": 0

(slowly approaching BCNF....)

We could/should remove "mav-firmware-version" IMO.

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

@peterbarker I don't think version in component parts add much values given the usage pattern for this data. Or in other words majority use will just be reading the versiona and displaying to user as opposed to doing any logic based on version numbering. But that said, if you have a good use case for version as component parts then I'm fine with it.

I think we are pretty much there now. Could you put together a version which include all the options for the fields just so we are all in sync on what the possible values are? Then I think I'm ready to start coding this into QGC. Then I just need a url from you to start pull this from for ArduPilot.

peterbarker commented 8 years ago

@DonLakeFlyer I believe you want something like:

"mav-firmware-version-number": "3.4.0",

Is that correct? Or did you want that as a 32-bit unsigned integer? (The 32-bit integer would naturally include the "dev" bit as well for ArduPilot as it is coming straight from the mavlink message field).

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

Corect, should be a a string

peterbarker commented 8 years ago

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

Ok, I finally have time to try working with this.

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

@peterbarker What about aerocore? I don't see that in the file.

peterbarker commented 8 years ago

On Sun, 10 Apr 2016, Don Gagne wrote:

@peterbarker What about aerocore? I don't see that in the file.

I don't think ArduPilot supports Aerocore.

pbarker@bluebottle:~/rc/ardupilot(flight-mode-object-wip)$ grep -lir aerocore . | grep -v ./modules/PX4Firmware pbarker@bluebottle:~/rc/ardupilot(flight-mode-object-wip)$

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

@peterbarker I have QGC downloading, decompressing and reading the file now. I'm trying to search for latest=1 and mav-firmware-version-type=OFFICIAL which should be the latest stable versions. But all releases with latest=1 are marked mav-firmware-version-type=DEV. Also mav-firmware-version-number is missing from the entries.

peterbarker commented 8 years ago

On Mon, 11 Apr 2016, Don Gagne wrote:

@peterbarker I have QGC downloading, decompressing and reading the file now. I'm trying to search for latest=1 and mav-firmware-version-type=OFFICIAL which should be the latest stable versions. But all releases with latest=1 are marked firmware=DEV.

"latest" indicates it is the latest build done by the build server. This flag is only present on the most recent build (regardless of type).

Filtering by releasetype=OFFICIAL then ordering by major/minor/patch will give you what you need here.

Please note that for historical reasons we do not have major/minor/patch for most firmwares. Moving forward these will be inncluded. Since tridge has released Plane, that does have an official, numbered firmware:

1273 navio Plane 3.5.2 OFFICIAL 0 dc9d87f elf 1699 PX4-v1 Plane 3.5.2 OFFICIAL 0 dc9d87f px4 2121 PX4-v2 Plane 3.5.2 OFFICIAL 0 dc9d87f px4 2351 PX4-v4 Plane 3.5.2 OFFICIAL 0 dc9d87f px4 2685 pxf Plane 3.5.2 OFFICIAL 0 dc9d87f elf

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

Please note that for historical reasons we do not have major/minor/patch for most firmwares.

That makes the file not very useful. I can't display to the user which version they are installing. That is worst than what I have now groveling through the stable directories to pull the version numbers. Nor can I give them a list of older stable versions to install. For example here is a search on PX4-V2/OFFICIAL:

FirmwareUpgradeLog: Found match "" ""
FirmwareUpgradeLog: Found match "" "3.5.2"
FirmwareUpgradeLog: Found match "" "3.0.0"
FirmwareUpgradeLog: Found match "" ""
FirmwareUpgradeLog: Found match "" ""
FirmwareUpgradeLog: Found match "" ""
FirmwareUpgradeLog: Found match "" ""
FirmwareUpgradeLog: Found match "" ""
FirmwareUpgradeLog: Found match "" ""
FirmwareUpgradeLog: Found match "" ""
FirmwareUpgradeLog: Found match "" ""
FirmwareUpgradeLog: Found match "" ""

That seems to be only the latest version for each type. Older released stable versions are not marked OFFICIAL. Although without version number I wouldn't be able to do much with them.

peterbarker commented 8 years ago

On Mon, 11 Apr 2016, Don Gagne wrote:

 Please note that for historical reasons we do not have
 for most firmwares.

That makes the file not very useful. I can't display to the user which version they are installing. That is worst than what I have now groveling through the stable directories to pull the version numbers. Nor can I give them a list of older stable versions to install. For example here is a search on PX4-V2/OFFICIAL:

That output shows it is useful for both Plane and Rover at the moment, yes?

I could attempt to extract the version from the generated binaries; this is probably going to be something along the lines of running strings(1) against the relevant firmware file. I did not do this on the assumption that as soon as we get an official release for each vehicle type finding the most recent official version would be easily done.

My assumption was wrong, right?

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

Correct: I'm getting good data for Plane/Rover.

Any way to at a minimum hack in version numbers for current and one rev back Stable? Then we could move forward from there with good info and not worry about going back too far.

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

@dagar This is what Lorenz was talking about with respect to getting available PX4 Firmware versions into QGC.

dagar commented 8 years ago

Looks straightforward. I'll have some time later tonight to get this working on travis-ci. PX4 master/beta/stable should be easy, adding all the tagged versions might need some thought.

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

PX4 master/beta/stable should be easy

We might be able to live with that for 3.0, if it ends up being hard. Since that's already better than what we have now (no version info).

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

FYI: I'm starting to rethink this a little, since the file ends up being so massive given all the variants.

dagar commented 8 years ago

Do users really need the ability to flash every single build through the GUI? There are > 20,000 builds listed in

DonLakeFlyer commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I know. I'm trying to come up with something better.

peterbarker commented 8 years ago

On Fri, 15 Apr 2016, Don Gagne wrote:

Yeah, I know. I'm trying to come up with something better.

I don't think the average user will want to do anything except update to the latest firmware, or perhaps revert to the one that "worked before I updated". No GCS I've seen tries to keep any history on specific aircraft, 'though, and I haven't seen that in QGC. Might make for an interesting feature, 'though.

I think splitting it into a "Simple" and "Advanced" tab might work?

OTOH, I haven't actually looked at the interface recently....