mavlink / qgroundcontrol

Cross-platform ground control station for drones (Android, iOS, Mac OS, Linux, Windows)
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Intermittent dropped connection with Xbee with BT bridge #4686

Open Patnetpatnet opened 7 years ago

Patnetpatnet commented 7 years ago

When connecting to QGC Android and QGC Windows to Pixhawk (PX4) with Bluetooth as a bridge to xBee I get a dropped connection when sending data, such as a switch position change.

Setup is flight controller to xBee via TELEM1 port. Then xBee to xBee. Then XBee to BT. Then BT to Android device or Windows PC. 15,200 baud rate throughout.

Wired connections are OK.

Also unable to replicate issue with same radio setup on Tower/Android or or Mission Planner/Windows--no issues.

Siytek commented 7 years ago

@Patnetpatnet sorry I missed your comment in the other thread about it working with Tower. Have you tried connecting the BT module directly to the TELEM port on your Pixhawk?

EDIT: Does your setup work using Windows QGC?

I have both of these telemetry links that seem to be working fine:

My main telemetry for flying @ 57600bps: QGC BT Android/OS X ~~> TBS Crossfire Tx ~~> TBS Crossfire Rx --> PX4 BST/I2C

My short-range wireless configuration link/PX4 console @ 57600bps: QGC BT Android/OS X ~~> HC-06 --> PX4 TELEM Port

I have not fully tested the Android setup, I'm rewiring the plane at the moment but I'm going to test it in flight soon. The difference between our setups is Xbee, which would make me think that your problem lies there.

Patnetpatnet commented 7 years ago

@Siytek, thanks. Not tested BT/TELEM direct. Does not function wirelessly with QGC Windows and Android. Does function via USB. Please let me know your result when you test with Android.

Siytek commented 7 years ago

I would test BT to TELEM directly, see if you get the same issue, let us know the result. BT HC-06 to TELEM using QGC on Mac works 100% for me.

Android also works since the BT issue was resolved, I've just not tried flying it yet since getting my Android tab. I will post the results, probably about a month off being air worthy. My BT/xFire telemetry link gives me the correct position on the map and the horizon instrument and compass work fine, no problem with the connection, that's about as much testing as I have done.

I don't know the details about how APM and PX4 use Mavlink but there are differences. Tower/MP may be less fussy about dropped packets, although I'm guessing there and have never really used them. Could you be loosing data and Tower/MP just doesn't complain about it?

DonLakeFlyer commented 7 years ago

FYI: QGC was pretty fussy about determining lost connections. Used to only use the HEARTBEAT message to determine if a connection was alive. Most recent builds (a week ago) now use any messages across the link to determine a link is still alive.

Patnetpatnet commented 7 years ago

Changed telem baud rate throughout BT and Xbee now to 57600. Still getting the same issue.

DonLakeFlyer commented 7 years ago

Are you saying that you are getting intermittent communication lost messages. Or is it that the communication link just goes down and stays down.

Patnetpatnet commented 7 years ago

The daily build in Play Store works fine. The released version will not connect via BT and Xbee. Crashes the QGroundcontrol Android app. EDIT: Latest final now works. No longer crashing Android app via BT and Xbee. Thanks for all your hard work.