mavlink / qgroundcontrol

Cross-platform ground control station for drones (Android, iOS, Mac OS, Linux, Windows)
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Qgroundcontrol (macOS, 3.2.4/daily) fails to display FPV video. #5650

Open kenkeiter opened 6 years ago

kenkeiter commented 6 years ago

When using qgroundcontrol (macOS 10.12.4, Qgroundcontrol versions 3.2.4 and daily) in conjunction with the instructions in the video streaming guide, display of video fails due to an "internal data flow error."

I've tried the example gstreamer pipelines in the documentation (and verified that I'm seeing streamed data using nc). I've also tried variations with different h264 encoders to ensure that I'm not just seeing issues with the way a specific encoder has been built for macOS.

I installed gstreamer and associated plugins using the following:

$ brew install gst gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-bad
$ brew install gst-plugins-ugly --with-x264

Please let me know if I can be of service in debugging. The log output was as follows (for both versions):

[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/comm/ - "Orphaned log file count 0"
[!] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "Internal data flow error."
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "Gstreamer error!"
[!] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "Internal data flow error."
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "Gstreamer error!"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "No pipeline"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "start()"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "State changed, _streaming: false"
[D] at /Users/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/VideoStreaming/ - "Running"

(the aforementioned log excerpt repeats)

kenkeiter commented 6 years ago

Also wanted to note that I was able to validate my encoding setup a little further. By streaming with the following command:

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc pattern=ball ! x264enc ! rtph264pay ! udpsink host= port=5600

I am able to watch the ball video in VLC player by using an .sdp file with the following contents:

m=video 5600 RTP/AVP 96
c=IN IP4
a=rtpmap:96 H264/90000
DonLakeFlyer commented 6 years ago

You're better off with this stuff on Gitter where there are more video people. Since it is most likely a setup problem as opposed to a QGC bug.

kenkeiter commented 6 years ago

@DonLakeFlyer If you feel that, given the information above, it's still a setup issue, I'll certainly give that a shot. Thank you.

If you don't mind, I'd like to leave the ticket open for just a while until I verify w/the Gitter folks. I'm suspicious, given the facts:

  1. I was using the exact command provided in the documentation to generate test video.
  2. I verified that test video was being streamed properly using VLC.

But I've certainly been wrong before, and I'd love to be wrong now 😅

lbegani commented 6 years ago

The error is perhaps due to unsupported format by QGC. QGC doesnt support all the formats supported by gstreamer but limited few

kenkeiter commented 6 years ago

I wanted to note that @lbegani resolved my issue, which was caused by incorrect documentation. The test command listed in the video streaming doc suggests using the following command to test locally:

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc pattern=ball ! x264enc ! rtph264pay ! udpsink host= port=5600

This is incorrect. The following command may be used, instead.

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,width=640,height=480 ! videoconvert ! x264enc ! rtph264pay ! udpsink host= port=5600

When I have a second, I'll submit a PR to resolve the issue. This issue should probably remain open until that time.

Thanks again for your help, @lbegani! 🎊 💯

jaxxzer commented 6 years ago

The command in the documentation is correct. If works, but does not, I suspect something is up with your network configuration. I'm not sure what would cause this, what's your OS?

kenkeiter commented 6 years ago

@jaxxzer Nothing's up with my network config. The unicast address is not the only thing in the aforementioned command that changed -- an additional item was added to the pipeline (video/x-raw,width=640,height=480). Changing the unicast address back to works as well, given that QGroundControl binds to (all IP addresses on the local machine) when listening for UDP/RTP video.

I have updated my suggested doc change to revert back to using as the host address. My apologies; that part of the change was unnecessary.

Also, @jaxxzer, thanks for taking the time to take a look 👍 Seems like a well-staffed/maintained open-source project!

jaxxzer commented 6 years ago

Hm, the original command works fine for me on Ubuntu, so does your proposed amendment.

kenkeiter commented 6 years ago

@jaxxzer Yeah, no idea why it wouldn't on macOS. Software, amirite?