mavlink / qgroundcontrol

Cross-platform ground control station for drones (Android, iOS, Mac OS, Linux, Windows)
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Feature request - Crop sprayer (400$ award) #7263

Open DangerD256 opened 5 years ago

DangerD256 commented 5 years ago

1) Add new survey grid for crop sprayer with options:

In addition (optional): 3) Missions manager - save/load missions and add sync function to synchronize them with remote server. (list of field names with groups on left)

hamishwillee commented 5 years ago

@DonLakeFlyer being able to add an exclusion within a survey looks like it might be a generically useful planning feature. The only other way to reasonably do this would be to use (dynamic) obstacle avoidance in the flight stack.

DangerD256 commented 5 years ago

Can you ask him?) its a bit urgent for us as season starts and we need to spray fields

jstrebel commented 5 years ago

It would be very useful if we could import or draw several static objects which the UAV has to fly "around". I am also willing to donate.

hamishwillee commented 5 years ago

@DangerD256 I wouldn't be reliant on Don or anyone to add this feature in any particular timeframe. I think he might be on holiday, but even if not, will have his own list of priorities. In the meantime you could inefficiently "fake" this kind of thing using a mission that has multiple surveys bracketing the areas you wish to omit.

DangerD256 commented 5 years ago

10 hectares field with approximately 10 trees... Drawing a lot of separate surveys is a pain.. And if I even will make "bracketing" it will not work anyway: image

GlidLov commented 5 years ago

+1 on the adding-obstacle planning

DonLakeFlyer commented 5 years ago

If I implemented this I would support it from GeoFence. Or in other words you set up GeoFence exclusion for the trees or what not and then the Survey generation would respect those exclusion areas. This way there isn't some new thing needed to make out an exclusion for say a tree.

Note: For now this would also mean it would only work on PX4 Pro since ArduPilot doesn't support current MAVLink GeoFence spec.

@antiheavy I'd assume this would be helpful for you as well?

Antiheavy commented 5 years ago

This feature request has a lot of value for multicopters and ground/surface vehicles. It has some value for fixed wings, but much less.

I thought breaking areas into multiple survey's was going to be the approach to this? Maybe that proved impractical?

Geofence is another reasonable way to approach this and would probably work well for multicopter and ground/surface vehicles. Safety buffers may need to be built in to avoid accidentally breaching the Geofence and triggering possible failsafe actions. It also makes it even less useful for fixed wing, but there isn't much you can do about that.

An important compliment to this is improved triggering at the edges of survey areas. This is an open PR:

chris89116 commented 4 years ago

I am also interested in this type of option can you tell me if you have already advanced on the subject ? Thank you

hamishwillee commented 4 years ago

Well, ArduPilot have now added Geofence support. Nothing else AFAIK. It would be cool if a survey automatically planned around geofence areas.

palucki commented 2 years ago

Has anyone advanced on this? I thought about following the proposal from: Coverage Path Planning: The Boustrophedon Cellular Decomposition But it seems the model used for survey generation is far away from being compatible with it.

Also I think this issue and 6969 are duplicates?

Drdroneman commented 1 year ago

Hello Developers, Is there any development on Crop sprayer features in Qgroundcontrol android version? or heading hold (i.e. Conditional YAW) in QGC? is it possible to do Full Spray mission planning in QGC android version?

khoacc commented 1 year ago

Please make it available, I add more 400$