<mv-app="test" mv-source="data.json" mv-storage="github" mv-bar="no-login"> shows the mavo bar to not-logged-in users. Which is presumably due to the source not requiring a login, so mavo assumes you can edit and shows you the edit bar. But since you can only save if logged in, showing that bar is useless. Codepen: https://codepen.io/karger/pen/xxZXZZq?editors=1100
<mv-app="test" mv-source="data.json" mv-storage="github" mv-bar="no-login">
shows the mavo bar to not-logged-in users. Which is presumably due to the source not requiring a login, so mavo assumes you can edit and shows you the edit bar. But since you can only save if logged in, showing that bar is useless. Codepen: https://codepen.io/karger/pen/xxZXZZq?editors=1100