mavoweb / mavo

Create web applications entirely by writing HTML and CSS!
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mv-source confuses mv-bar=no-login #616

Open karger opened 4 years ago

karger commented 4 years ago

<mv-app="test" mv-source="data.json" mv-storage="github" mv-bar="no-login"> shows the mavo bar to not-logged-in users. Which is presumably due to the source not requiring a login, so mavo assumes you can edit and shows you the edit bar. But since you can only save if logged in, showing that bar is useless. Codepen:

LeaVerou commented 4 years ago

I don't see any bar in your codepen. I think you do because you're logged in to Github, because you can save to Github.

karger commented 4 years ago

That's odd; I made sure I was logged out while testing. I'll try to recreate the problem