mavoweb / plugins

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Support other data back-ends such as remoteStorage, Standard File, etc. #5

Open LeaVerou opened 7 years ago

LeaVerou commented 7 years ago

From @mxuribe on May 17, 2017 13:31

This is an awesome project, kudos and congrats to you!

Beyond supporting localStorage, github, and dropbox, please consider supporting other common and standard data back-ends that would allow for self-hosting, such as for example remoteStorage (, Standard File (, etc.

Again, kudos and congrats; I look forward to using this!

Copied from original issue: mavoweb/mavo#187

LeaVerou commented 7 years ago

Thank you! We definitely want to add more storage backends over time, but we're a very small team, so we're hoping the community will step in to write some plugins for those. There will be documentation on how to do that very soon!