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Get familiar with Coli Computing Cluster #19

Closed mawa00006 closed 2 years ago

mawa00006 commented 2 years ago

My account for the LST computer system has been created. I have to get familiar with the usage of the Coli computing cluster

tony-hong commented 2 years ago

Great! I post two most important wiki pages here: Please read them. You need VPN to visit the coli wiki if you are outside of UdS network.

mawa00006 commented 2 years ago

Great! I post two most important wiki pages here: Please read them. You need VPN to visit the coli wiki if you are outside of UdS network.

Thank you!

mawa00006 commented 2 years ago

@tony-hong I have some questions regarding the cluster usage.

tony-hong commented 2 years ago

@tony-hong I have some questions regarding the cluster usage.

  • If I want to upload files to the cluster in which directory should I put them?

You can put them under /local/YOUR_USER_ID/

  • You accessed the cluster/ files in your browser. How can I do this?

You need to install jupyter lab/notebook on the cluster and connect to it with ssh tunnel. I can show you after the project meeting today.

  • When I connect to a cluster node and typ 'screen' into the command line I can see that there is a session running using screen -ls but no window is opening. Am I missing something?

I don't use screen so I don't know about it. Try Stack Overflow. 😆

  • To submit a job using sge I have to create a .sh file How do I specify which program to run in the .sh file?

You don't need to use sge. You can just run your script on jones-7/8.