mawa00006 / Doping-Detection-Based-on-Publicly-Available-Competition-Data-in-Professional-Road-Cycling

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Merge wiki_cases data and USADA data #2

Closed tony-hong closed 2 years ago

tony-hong commented 2 years ago


Processing steps of wiki cases:

  1. filter "event" by 'test', 'testing', 'admit', 'ban' ...;
  2. check "ARG1-PERSON" to get the names;
  3. filter names that are too long;
  4. link them to the rider page table
sama25100 commented 2 years ago

Sinnerdata: Google Colab:

sama25100 commented 2 years ago

I had already merged the two datasets but since a lot of the USADA riders were young or not high-level athletes, all but 30 riders got left out of the dataset since pro cycling stats did not have race data for them