mawww / kak-ycmd

YouCompleteMe support script for Kakoune
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error while trying to run completer: option 'ycmd_completions' is not of type 'N7Kakoune12PrefixedListINS_6StringESt5tupleIJS1_S1_S1_EEEE' #3

Open lisael opened 7 years ago

lisael commented 7 years ago


I try to make ycmd work, but I constantly get this error in debug buffer.

Is there a breaking change in kakoune's completion that was not fixed in kak-ycmd ?

mawww commented 7 years ago


Yeah, I have not been maintaining kak-ycmd for some time. The changes that happened is that there is a specific completions option type now (which is PrefixedList<String, tuple<String, String, String> in C++, hence the error you get). Fixing kak-ycmd should be pretty easy though, ycmd_completions should be declared with the completions type instead of str-list and the code that sets it should move from the text@description format to text|description|menu test.

I dont have a working ycmd setup here to check that these changes works, if you have it already set-up I'd be happy to merge a fix here.