mawww / kakoune

mawww's experiment for a better code editor
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Proposal: subcommands #2429

Open EmmChriss opened 5 years ago

EmmChriss commented 5 years ago

As I understand, and often experience, in my opinion, kakoune's scripting language would need a some additional level of structure; thus I propose the command variant def-command [<switches>] <scope> <name> [<command>:<name>], which would practically make the listed commands its subcommands - perhaps under alternative names

To make my idea clearer, I'd like to offer an example

def lsp-start %{ ... }
def lsp-hover %{ ... }
def lsp-defition %{ ... }
def lsp-references %{ ... }

This is a pseudo-excerpt from ul's kak-lsp plugin.

In this example, one would have to type the 'lsp-' part in the command line to get autocompletion for the commands. Everything's fine until lsp-inline-diagnostic-enable, lsp-inline-diagnostic-disable, and the alike enter the picture; and the intellisense becomes a jarbled mess with no structure or hierarchy. However, if the definition of subcommands would be possible, a nice hierarchy of commands would also be, and typing 'lsp' would display a single command, that shows the possible subcommands, as well as a piece of documentation perhaps.

The syntax, I just realized wouldn't be quite ideal; the concept remains a proposal, however.

maximbaz commented 5 years ago

Is the intention purely to reduce the number of candidates in intellisense? I would argue the current behavior is preferable, for example I can type :ref and immediately discover lsp-references, going through lsp command to find references subcommand would be slower.

Having a lsp user mode with all available commands could be useful though, cc @ul 😉

EmmChriss commented 5 years ago

Didn't even consider that side of the situation... The -enable, and -disable commands definitely need a new mechanism though

mawww commented 5 years ago

I agree there is some cluttering going in with commands, that said I think we already have (almost) all the necessary tools to make those commands:

def lsp -params 1.. -shell-candidates %{for cmd in start hovel definition...; do echo $cmd; done} %{ eval "lsp-%arg{1}" }
ul commented 5 years ago

I added lsp umbrella command in 5.3.0, @EmmChriss feel free to test it. Though I understand that it has no much value for you without hiding lsp-* commands.

Also I added lsp user mode. @maximbaz list of available keys is here I haven't put it into documentation yet because it would be nice to hear feedback on mnemonics choice and probably change them before people start using it actively.

@mawww Is it any way to make previously defined command hidden? This way lsp umbrella command could become useful for those who prefer that way and also rarely used enable/disable commands could be hidden individually by user.

maximbaz commented 5 years ago

mnemonics choice looks good to me

EmmChriss commented 5 years ago

Looks really nice, this is just about what I wanted, thanks a lot @ul

ul commented 5 years ago

What do you think about the following solution for *-{enable,disable} mess: just define flags as options instead of commands and use *SetOption hooks to react to their change?

Emmk commented 5 years ago

That sounds a lot less messy, than what we have now; I definitely think it's a good idea

Delapouite commented 5 years ago

A similar "sub command" proposal with "masks":