mawww / kakoune

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Shared kakoune session spawns tmux-terminal-window in wrong client #3931

Open Hejsil opened 3 years ago

Hejsil commented 3 years ago




Expected the fzf command to be show in the kakoune client it was spawned in

Hejsil commented 3 years ago

Seems like this is the offender:

@krobelus Seems you added these lines. Any reason this was made to only work with splits?

krobelus commented 3 years ago

If we used a target pane in the new-window command, we'd get an error:

$ tmux new-window -t $(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_id}')
can't specify pane here

we want to pass the session ID instead:

$ tmux new-window -t $(tmux display-message -p '#{session_id}')

This solution works:

diff --git a/rc/windowing/tmux.kak b/rc/windowing/tmux.kak
index 8e4c7134..fd510022 100644
--- a/rc/windowing/tmux.kak
+++ b/rc/windowing/tmux.kak
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ define-command -hidden -params 2.. tmux-terminal-impl %{
         if [ "${1%%-*}" = split ]; then
             tmux_args="$tmux_args -t ${kak_client_env_TMUX_PANE}"
+        else
+            tmux_args="$tmux_args -t $(TMUX=$tmux tmux display-message -t ${kak_client_env_TMUX_PANE} -p '#{session_id}')"
         # ideally we should escape single ';' to stop tmux from interpreting it as a new command

On a second look, $TMUX seems to include the session id - it is the last number in a value like /tmp/tmux-1000/default,536,2 So we could just use -t ${kak_client_env_TMUX##*,} if that's always the case.

Hejsil commented 3 years ago

Played around with it a little and -t \$${kak_client_env_TMUX##*,} works (no idea why the prefix $ is needed). I'm a tmux noob, so can't really confirm whether the session is always part of the $TMUX environment.

krobelus commented 3 years ago

The CHANGES file in the tmux repo has a point:

  • Do not use $TMUX to find the session because for windows in multiple sessions it is wrong as often as it is right, and for windows in one session it is pointless. Instead use TMUX_PANE if it is present.