max-mapper / hexbin

community curated list of hexagon logos
526 stars 221 forks source link

Donate proceeds from this repo #150

Open taddallas opened 7 years ago

taddallas commented 7 years ago

Awhile ago, I placed a bunch of the hexagon logos on Redbubble; at least the ones that I knew license information on, and ones I thought would be of general interest. It seems to have filled some basic need, as it typically makes around $10-20 a month, mainly in the form of stickers, but the occasional t-shirt or lab notebook.

I can't justify profiting off of other's work, so I'm soliciting ideas for causes to donate the proceeds to, and to make sure I'm not stepping on anybody's toes after the fact (I can take down the storefront if folks take offense to me tossing the hex logos on Redbubble).

In my mind, it would make sense to donate to Creative Commons, but I'm open to other suggestions. Maybe software carpentry or a similar organization?


max-mapper commented 6 years ago

I work at a non-profit that accepts donations :)