max-mapper / hexbin

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Additional meta-fields? #199

Open pkq opened 6 years ago

pkq commented 6 years ago

A couple ideas for potentially useful new meta-fields:

If you're open, I could take a shot at this. One question would be whether it makes sense to define different types for different programming languages. My inclination is yes, although that might get unwieldy...

max-mapper commented 6 years ago

maybe we can just rename online_order_url to url to keep it open ended and simpler. for type i would just use npm style "keywords": ["r", "ropensci"]

pkq commented 6 years ago

This makes a lot of sense. I like the flexibility, and that it balances adding information without too many changes. I'll whip something up in another branch for you to take a look at.

max-mapper commented 6 years ago

@pkq you can go ahead and implement it, I trust your judgment :D