max-mapper / hexbin

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Question: Which of these stickers would be appropriate to put in #211

Open paradoxrevolver opened 6 years ago

paradoxrevolver commented 6 years ago

hi! my friend @torcado194 and i discovered hexbin a couple of weeks ago and we were quickly impressed by the idea of having a standard size for hexagonal stickers. but as we did research for what stickers were available for purchase online, a lot of the services and brands we wanted didn't exist, so we made our own from scratch. all of them were constructed in a vector program by us.

because of some past concern in #155 regarding copyright, creating an issue beforehand seemed like a wise idea. all of these stickers will be put on the Creative Common license like many of the existing hexbin stickers. none of these stickers are being sold anywhere by us. we only plan to upload them to hexbin, wherever possible.

here's the full list of what we'd like to submit:

list of stickers 1

(note: the red lines in these images represent cut lines)

names for each row of stickers, left to right row 1: Rubik's Cube, Unity, LSDJ, Brackets, Imgur, cPanel row 2: Glitch, Paint Tool SAI,, ShareX, Google row 3: Less, Discord, Google Play Music, Twitch,, Git row 4: Hyper, Trello, Ghost Bird (this is a project that @torcado194 is directly in charge of), Aseprite

list of stickers 2

names for each row of stickers, left to right row 1: Chrome v8, Teenage Engineering row 2:, Stepmania, Stencyl

i preferred to create an issue and ask about the entire collection of hexagonal sticker designs we made so that the maintainers here on GitHub could quickly comment and help us figure out which ones seem safe to add to the hexbin project and which ones might infringe on the IP of existing projects or companies. please let us know which of these stickers we should upload and we'll pack them into a single neat pull request!