max-mapper / hexbin

community curated list of hexagon logos
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Is the project still open to contributed stickers? #284

Open riccardoporreca opened 3 years ago

riccardoporreca commented 3 years ago

It looks like there wasn't any pull request merged after mid April 2020... Is the project still accepting contributed stickers?

xsuchy commented 2 years ago

+1 @maxogden If you want, I can help you maintain this repo.

cyphersnake commented 1 year ago

The project seems more unsupported than alive

hexagontruth commented 1 year ago

Seems that way. I volunteered to help a few years ago — like, a bunch of years now — and was the only person pushing through PRs for a while. I kind of burned out for reasons I explained I think in another thread. For one thing, it was a constant struggle getting submissions formatted correctly — I'd sit down, thinking I would go thru some of the backlog, then get immediately bogged down dealing with formatting issues, etc. It was dispiriting. In the same vein, tbh, and I really don't want to like insult anyone or call anyone out here or anything but like...some of these designs are simply not to my mind worth memorializing in a place like this. To be brutally honest I feel a lot of e.g. R package maintainers should perhaps leave graphic design to the professionals — there, I said it. (For the record lol I think the ones you submitted are fine — particularly the last few and frankly they're all head and shoulders above some of the crap you see here.)

I volunteered for this because of my somewhat unique connection to the hexagonal arts. I have not separately raised this possibility with him, but if @maxogden wanted to sign over the whole project to me including the domain I would put the effort into bringing it up to speed (though with probably a lot of editorial changes). I would also get rid of the whole Git submission process as again it seems like more trouble than it's worth. A simple web form with a file upload should suffice. As it stands I just, again, don't have the time or the energy or the emotional momentum to wade through these any more. Sorry. There are again a number of other maintainers I've never even heard from here — I imagine to some degree or another they all perhaps went through the same spiritual journey I did here, I don't know.