max-mapper / screencat

:cat2: webrtc screensharing electron app for mac os (Alpha)
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
3.02k stars 370 forks source link

Error! getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND #65

Open 748890753yiyi opened 7 years ago

748890753yiyi commented 7 years ago

yout code include: first: var server = ''; var remoteConfigUrl = ''; if (process.browser) remoteConfigUrl = '' + remoteConfigUrl; function verifyRoom (room, cb) {

second: // ensure room is still open nets({method: 'POST', uri: server + '/v1/' + room + '/pong', json: {ready: true}}, function response (err, resp, data) { if (err){ console.log('connect server error: ', err); return cb(err) }

  if (resp.statusCode !== 200) return cb(new Error('Invalid or expired invite code'))

} thrid: // get remote webrtc config (ice/stun/turn) function getRemoteConfig (cb) { nets({url: remoteConfigUrl, json: true}, function gotConfig (err, resp, config) { if (err || resp.statusCode > 299) config = undefined // ignore errors cb(null, config) }) } fourth: // get remote webrtc config (ice/stun/turn) function getRemoteConfig (cb) { nets({url: remoteConfigUrl, json: true}, function gotConfig (err, resp, config) { if (err || resp.statusCode > 299) config = undefined // ignore errors cb(null, config) }) }

I think that this two url is to deal code, but I think your server is down , I want to ask you what logic about your two request( uri: server + '/v1/' + room + '/pong' and url: remoteConfigUrl,), and the getRemoteConfig function return the data is or not json format? please give me an example of the config object

I want to create server about like your '' to deal code logic , but I do not how to create and the server Background logic and field of your data

roy2651 commented 7 years ago

also this error

gbougakov commented 7 years ago

@maxogden doesn't maintain the server

timypcr commented 6 years ago

I've been looking for a solution like this for a very long time and screencat looks like it was great back when it was maintained. any chance that @maxogden could release the server code that was used for at this time it looks like the server is no longer running and it would be great to have this code available so the project can live on.

Craigzyc commented 6 years ago

he has released the server code. Unfortunately it still depends on some other things I cant get working. If someone gets it working please respond here with solution.

gbougakov commented 6 years ago

@Craigzyc Installed it successfully :)

Georges-MacBook:~ georgebougakov$ sudo npm install cat-lobby -g
/usr/local/bin/cat-lobby -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cat-lobby/cli.js
+ cat-lobby@1.1.0
added 98 packages in 5.939s

Not sure about configuring the client tho

CraigZych commented 6 years ago

Yea I installed it as well but haven't had much time to dig into what else is required. The isn't an available resource so I think that might be an issue.

If I have the time to get it working I'll host a public server and fork this into a working version.

Craigzyc commented 6 years ago

FYI seems to work. He is running the server but he hasn't updated the links so it only works between 2 clients cloned from that rep.

I don't have 2 macs to test between and can't get robotjs to build on my windows machine currently so I cant test

meghaagr13 commented 5 years ago

@Craigzyc can you please provide code of server that you have hosted on glitch

CraigZych commented 5 years ago

cat-lobby is the server side of it.

meghaagr13 commented 5 years ago

@CraigZych it does not run over https and when i am trying to convert it I am facing error in " var events = new EventSource(pingsUrl)"

CraigZych commented 5 years ago

honestly I don't know. I just remembered what the server was called. I ended up building my own app and server completely from scratch for my uses.

meghaagr13 commented 5 years ago

@CraigZych can you make code of your app public or provide link for same