Open OSCmixer opened 1 month ago
can you show me your code ? you can create a task with xTaskCreatePinnedToCore
cpp_freertos::Task midiTaskNOTES("MIDITaskNOTES", 3024, 24, []() { // Task priority 24 uint8_t data[3]; // Buffer for Note On/Off messages (3 bytes) size_t size = sizeof(data); // Size of the buffer const uint32_t noteInterval = 2; // Time interval for processing notes (2 ms) static uint32_t lastNoteProcessTime = 0;
while (true) {
uint32_t currentMillis = millis();
// Check if it's time to process MIDI notes
if (currentMillis - lastNoteProcessTime >= noteInterval) {
// Receive MIDI Note messages
BLEMidiServer.receivePacket(data, size); // Check if size needs adjusting based on received message
if (data[0] >= 0x80) { // Check for valid MIDI status byte
switch (data[0] & 0xF0) { // Filter out status byte
case 0x90: // Note On
onNoteOn(data[0] & 0x0F, data[1], data[2], xTaskGetTickCount()); // Channel, Note, Velocity, Timestamp
case 0x80: // Note Off
onNoteOff(data[0] & 0x0F, data[1], data[2], xTaskGetTickCount()); // Channel, Note, Velocity, Timestamp
// Update last process time
lastNoteProcessTime = currentMillis;
can you send me the whole code so that i can upload it on an esp32 ?
//debug freeRTOS and BLEmidi
// MIDI NOTE ON-OFF Channel 1 void onNoteOn(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity, uint16_t timestamp) { if (channel == 0) { // MIDI channel 1 Serial.printf("Received note on: channel %d, note %d, velocity %d (timestamp %dms)\n", channel, note, velocity, timestamp); } }
void onNoteOff(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity, uint16_t timestamp) { if (channel == 0) { // MIDI channel 1 Serial.printf("Received note off: channel %d, note %d, velocity %d (timestamp %dms)\n", channel, note, velocity, timestamp); } }
void connected() { Serial.println("A device has connected."); }
void onControlChange(uint8_t channel, uint8_t control, uint8_t value) { Serial.printf("Control change: channel %d, control %d, value %d\n", channel, control, value); }
// MIDI TASK for notes, experiment cpp_freertos::Task midiTaskNOTES("MIDITaskNOTES", 3024, 24, []() { // Task priority 24 uint8_t data[3]; // Buffer for Note On/Off messages (3 bytes) size_t size = sizeof(data); // Size of the buffer const uint32_t noteInterval = 2; // Time interval for processing notes (2 ms) static uint32_t lastNoteProcessTime = 0;
while (true) {
uint32_t currentMillis = millis();
// Check if it's time to process MIDI notes
if (currentMillis - lastNoteProcessTime >= noteInterval) {
// Receive MIDI Note messages
BLEMidiServer.receivePacket(data, size); // Check if size needs adjusting based on received message
if (data[0] >= 0x80) { // Check for valid MIDI status byte
switch (data[0] & 0xF0) { // Filter out status byte
case 0x90: // Note On
onNoteOn(data[0] & 0x0F, data[1], data[2], xTaskGetTickCount()); // Channel, Note, Velocity, Timestamp
case 0x80: // Note Off
onNoteOff(data[0] & 0x0F, data[1], data[2], xTaskGetTickCount()); // Channel, Note, Velocity, Timestamp
// Update last process time
lastNoteProcessTime = currentMillis;
// Monitor stack usage for debugging
UBaseType_t highWaterMark = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL); // Get current task's stack usage
Serial.print("Remaining stack for midiTaskNOTES: ");
Serial.println(highWaterMark); // Print how much of the stack remains (in words)
// Small delay to reduce CPU usage
vTaskDelay(1 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // Adjust delay as needed for responsiveness
void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Initialize serial communication // Initialize BLE MIDI server BLEMidiServer.begin("BLE MIDI"); BLEMidiServer.setOnConnectCallback(connected); BLEMidiServer.setOnDisconnectCallback([]() { // Serial.println("Disconnected"); // Uncomment for debugging }); BLEMidiServer.setNoteOnCallback(onNoteOn); BLEMidiServer.setNoteOffCallback(onNoteOff);
BLEMidiServer.enableDebugging(); // Comment to enable debugging NOT WORKING YET
midiTaskNOTES.Start(1); // Start the task on core 1
void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: }
ok, so you modified the library, but i don't understand why... receivePacket is an internal function, that's why it is 'protected'
i can't run the code because i don't have your version
I am using esp32 board dev and i am newbie, I asked for example , gpt chat said that the current library doesn’t seem to directly handle or process incoming raw MIDI packets. Specifically, there's no function to receive and handle raw MIDI Note On/Off and other real-time MIDI messages. For this example showing serial monitor Remaining stack for midiTaskNOTES: 1280
why do you need to create a task ?
For better performance, maybe is problem that cannot disable debugging nimble messages...Normally iphone bluetooth to iphone works more smoothly also with fast notes...And trying to get best performance possible... Experimenting with esp32 options
are you doing something else at the same time on the esp32 ?
YES this example, I modified example because was not working .
Hello, I tried using BLEMidiServer.disableDebugging();, but nimBLE is still showing in the serial monitor. I have the latest version of the Arduino library, version 0.3.2, installed.
Should protected void receivePacket(uint8_t *packet, uint8_t packetSize); be in midi.h? Can you share an example of how to create a new task, for instance, in CPU 1 with priority 24? GPT chat attempted to handle MIDI and process MIDI, but nothing worked. :D I have now modified the original library, but it would be better not to have to modify it in case a new update comes.