maxandersen / internet-monitoring

Monitor your network and internet speed with Docker & Prometheus
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hardcoded configs specific to author's own network/environment #15

Open dotben opened 3 years ago

dotben commented 3 years ago

There are a number of hardcoded configurations and containers launched that appear to be specific to the author's own home environment and unrelated to internet monitoring.

For example, in prometheus/pinghosts.yml a number of local resources are harcoded to ping local resources unlikely to exit on any other environment. When the docker compose yaml runs, it creates a whole container for some kind of Sonos data exportation that again is specific to the author's environment and isn't relevant to internet monitoring.

Totally appreciate the author taking the time to produce this repo, but wondering if he could remove the cruft that at best is wasted resource and at worst might impair system performance.

Thank you

Quinten0508 commented 2 years ago

+1, the sonos stuff is not relevant in the slightest and disabling the network connection does not break/change the container's workings in the slightest.

maxandersen commented 1 year ago

pull requests welcome

dotben commented 1 year ago

I ended up deciding not to use this option, mostly because from the issue above I didn't have confidence it was properly built and configured to be run on any arbitrary install. I accept where @maxandersen you are coming from with wanting the community to make PRs but the reality is you know best what code is core business logic and what is system cruft from your own install, and you might foster a larger community to help with future development if you removed this yourself.

As it stands I'm not a vested member of this community as I don't use the package and so v unlikely to put together a PR.

It's chicken and egg.

Quinten0508 commented 1 year ago

Decided to patch this problem and a ton of other stuff up myself for the time being. @maxandersen take a look if you'd want a pull req as-is and let me know :) The commit messages should mostly speak for themselves on what has been changed.

If you'd want to keep the Sonos stuff and whatnot for your own home then it might be worth splitting the project into multiple branches and just merging changes from master to e.g. private or home.

Quinten0508 commented 1 year ago

I'm not super experienced with Docker nor have I read through all of the code for e.g. Sonos integration. Might be worth doing a cleanup and removing now unnecessary code from other parts of the project. However, the docker container itself is gone which should mean little to no performance is lost and this would be mostly cleaning stuff up.

maxandersen commented 1 year ago

I dont need the Sonos specific setup anymore. Feel free to submit PR that leaves it out to make it more generic.