maxbbraun / thermal-face

Fast face detection in thermal images
MIT License
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Try to perform transfer learning on the tflite models #8

Open codebeginner2020 opened 4 years ago

codebeginner2020 commented 4 years ago


I am a new beginner of machine learning. I think this project is very interesting and useful and I would like to perform transfer learning on the tflite models so that I can distinguish different types of thermal faces. May I know if it is possible to train the tflite model on my custom datasets? Or is there any ways to examine the structures and weights of the tflite models so that I can perform transfer learning on them?

Many thanks for your help!

maxbbraun commented 4 years ago

You could train the model from scratch on your own dataset following these steps or have a look at #3 for retraining an existing model.