maxbbraun / trump2cash

A stock trading bot powered by Trump tweets
MIT License
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Trade more than just equities #5

Open maxbbraun opened 7 years ago

maxbbraun commented 7 years ago

E.g. currency based on sentiment toward countries or governments? Futures while markets are closed?

doodzik commented 7 years ago

Trading knockouts instead of stocks could be an interesting way to leverage the movement in price.

What do you think?

domingohui commented 7 years ago

Total beginner when it comes to trading... Wondering if you want to liquidate your position at the end of day, would knockouts be a bit illiquid compared to the underlying stock?

doodzik commented 7 years ago

Yes, but as long as you have a small position and the bid-ask spread doesn't become too wide it shouldn't be a problem.

It would be interesting to see how trump affects the spread over time.

matthazinski commented 7 years ago

I'd also like the ability to trade in short-term volatility and index funds (e.g. when executive orders are issued/challenged/rescinded).

AlainPilon commented 7 years ago

@matthazinski talk about volatility highlight what I was about to say: instead of buy/short, the bot should use short lived options(calls/put). Buying or selling would be based on the expected volatility effect of the tweet.

Options offer better leverage and since most of the changes happen in a few days, we could use options with close expiration dates.