$ sudo xcgrapher --project Personal.xcodeproj --target Personal --pods --spm
[XCGrapher] Loading plugin /opt/homebrew/Cellar/xcgrapher/0.0.11/lib/libXCGrapherModuleImportPlugin.dylib
[XCGrapher] Generating list of source files in Xcode project at path 'Personal.xcodeproj'
[ShellTask] ruby -r xcodeproj -e 'Xcodeproj::Project.open("Personal.xcodeproj").targets.filter do |t| t.name == "Personal" end.first.source_build_phase.files.to_a.reject do |f| f.file_ref.nil? end.each do |f| puts f.file_ref.real_path.to_s end'
[XCGrapher] Building Swift Package list
[ShellTask] xcodebuild -project "Personal.xcodeproj" -target "***Personal" -showBuildSettings
[main] The folder “checkouts” doesn’t exist.
$ sudo xcgrapher --project Personal.xcodeproj --target Personal --pods --spm
[XCGrapher] Loading plugin /opt/homebrew/Cellar/xcgrapher/0.0.11/lib/libXCGrapherModuleImportPlugin.dylib [XCGrapher] Generating list of source files in Xcode project at path 'Personal.xcodeproj' [ShellTask] ruby -r xcodeproj -e 'Xcodeproj::Project.open("Personal.xcodeproj").targets.filter do |t| t.name == "Personal" end.first.source_build_phase.files.to_a.reject do |f| f.file_ref.nil? end.each do |f| puts f.file_ref.real_path.to_s end' [XCGrapher] Building Swift Package list [ShellTask] xcodebuild -project "Personal.xcodeproj" -target "***Personal" -showBuildSettings [main] The folder “checkouts” doesn’t exist.